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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing A, C, I, M, R and U

BRACHIUMbrachium n. (Anatomy) The upper arm.
BRACHIUM n. (Latin) the upper arm; the segment of the fore limb between the shoulder and the elbow.
CONARIUMconarium n. (Anatomy) The pineal gland.
CONARIUM n. (Greek) the pineal gland.
COUMARICcoumaric adj. Of or pertaining to coumaric acid or its derivatives.
COUMARIC adj. of coumarin, also CUMARIC.
COUMARINcoumarin n. (Organic chemistry) the bicyclic aromatic compound 1,2-benzopyrone or any of its derivatives.
COUMARIN n. (Tupi) a crystalline compound obtained from Tonka beans, woodruff, melilot, etc used medicinally to prevent coagulation of the blood, also CUMARIN.
CRANIUMScraniums n. Plural of cranium.
CRANIUM n. (Latin) the skull.
CUMARINScumarins n. Plural of cumarin.
CUMARIN n. (Tupi) a crystalline compound obtained from Tonka beans, woodruff, melilot, etc, used medicinally to prevent coagulation of the blood, also COUMARIN.
FRANCIUMfrancium n. The chemical element (symbol Fr) with an atomic number of 87. It is an intensely radioactive alkali…
francium n. (Countable) A single atom of this element.
FRANCIUM n. a radioactive element.
MANICUREmanicure n. A cosmetic treatment for the fingernails.
manicure n. (Dated) A manicurist.
manicure v. To apply such treatment to the hands.
MULTICARmulticar adj. Using or involving multiple cars.
MULTICAR adj. involving several cars.
MURIATICmuriatic adj. (Now rare) Pertaining to salt or brine.
muriatic adj. (Chemistry) Obtained from seawater; containing chlorine. (Now chiefly with reference to muriatic acid.)
MURIATIC adj. briny.
MURICATEmuricate adj. (Biology) covered with short rough points or studs.
muricate adj. (Mycology) covered with crystals.
MURICATE adj. rough or warty with short sharp points, also MURICATED.
UMBRATICumbratic adj. Of or relating to the shade or darkness; shadowy.
UMBRATIC adj. of or pertaining to the shade or darkness, also UMBRATICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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