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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, C, I, L, N and V

CARNIVALcarnival n. Any of a number of festivals held just before the beginning of Lent.
carnival n. A festive occasion marked by parades and sometimes special foods and other entertainment.
carnival n. (US) A traveling amusement park, called a funfair in British English.
CAVILINGcaviling v. Present participle of cavil.
caviling n. Cavilation.
CAVIL v. to raise trivial and frivolous objections.
CIVILIANcivilian n. A person following the pursuits of civil life, especially one who is not an active member of the armed forces.
civilian n. (Informal) A person who does not belong to a particular group or engage in a particular activity, an outsider.
civilian n. One skilled in civil law.
CLAVECINclavecin n. (Archaic, music) harpsichord.
CLAVECIN n. (French) a harpsichord.
CLEAVINGcleaving v. Present participle of cleave.
cleaving adj. That cleaves.
cleaving n. The act of one who cleaves, splits, or severs.
GALVANICgalvanic adj. Of or pertaining to galvanism; electric.
galvanic adj. (By extension) Energetic; vigorous.
galvanic adj. Of a current that is not alternating, as opposed to faradic.
NAVICULAnavicula n. (Christianity) A thurible in the shape of a boat.
Navicula prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Naviculaceae – boat-shaped algae.
NAVICULA n. (Latin) an incense-holder shaped like a boat.
UNIVOCALunivocal adj. Having only one possible meaning.
univocal adj. Containing instances of only one vowel; univocalic.
univocal adj. Having unison of sound, as the octave has in music.
VACCINALvaccinal adj. (Medicine) Of or relating to vaccine or vaccination.
vaccinal adj. (Medicine) Caused by vaccination.
VACCINAL adj. of or pertaining to vaccinia or vaccination.
VALENCIAvalencia n. A kind of woven fabric for waistcoats, having the weft of wool and the warp of silk or cotton.
Valencia prop.n. The capital city of the autonomous community of Valencia, Spain.
Valencia prop.n. An autonomous community of Spain, the Valencian Community.
VALIANCEvaliance n. The quality of being valiant; heroism, bravery or valour.
VALIANCYvaliancy n. (Now rare) Valour, bravery.
VALIANCY n. valour, also VALIANCE.
VANDALICvandalic adj. Having the nature of vandalism.
Vandalic adj. Of or pertaining to the Vandals (the Germanic tribe).
Vandalic prop.n. The extinct East Germanic language spoken by the Vandals, probably closely related to the Gothic language.
VANILLICvanillic adj. (Organic chemistry) Of or pertaining to vanillin or vanillic acid.
VANILLIC adj. pertaining to, or derived from, vanilla.
VINCULARvincular adj. (Grammar) connective.
vincular adj. (Mathematics) Relating to a vinculum.
VINCULAR adj. of or like a vinculum, a unifying bond.
VOCALIONvocalion n. (Music) A type of reed organ.
VOCALION n. a musical instrument resembling a harmonium.
VOLCANICvolcanic adj. Of or pertaining to a volcano or volcanoes.
volcanic adj. Produced by a volcano, or, more generally, by igneous agencies.
volcanic adj. Changed or affected by the heat of a volcano.
VULCANICvulcanic adj. Alternative spelling of volcanic.
vulcanic adj. Fiery.
Vulcanic adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling the Roman god Vulcan.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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