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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, C, I, L, M and U

ACICULUMaciculum n. (Botany, zoology) A needlelike spine or bristle, specially the seta of an annelid.
ACICULUM n. (Latin) a bristlelike part.
ALUMINICaluminic adj. (Chemistry) Of, relating to or containing aluminium.
ALUMINIC adj. of or containing aluminium; as, aluminic phosphate.
AMULETICamuletic adj. Of or pertaining to an amulet; operating as a charm.
AMULETIC adj. of amulets.
BULIMIACbulimiac adj. Alternative form of bulimic.
bulimiac n. Alternative form of bulimic.
BULIMIAC n. one suffering from bulimia, also BULIMIC.
CALADIUMcaladium n. Any of the genus Caladium of flowering plants, especially an ornamental cultivar of Caladium bicolor.
Caladium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Araceae – tuberous plants with colorful leaves, naive to the tropical…
CALADIUM n. (Malay) any tropical plant of the genus Caladium, of the arum family, the plants of which are grown for their attractive foliage.
CALCIUMScalciums n. Plural of calcium.
CALCIUM n. a metallic element.
GLUTAMICglutamic adj. (Organic chemistry) Of, pertaining to, or derived from glutamic acid.
GLUTAMIC adj. as in glutamic acid, an amino acid in proteins, also GLUTAMINIC.
LEUCEMIAleucemia n. Alternative spelling of leukemia.
LEUCEMIA n. a disease of the blood-forming organs, also LEUKEMIA, LEUKOSIS.
MACULINGmaculing v. Present participle of macule.
MACULE v. to blur in printing, also MACKLE.
MUCILAGEmucilage n. A thick gluey substance (gum) produced by many plants and some microorganisms.
MUCILAGE n. an adhesive substance.
MUCOIDALmucoidal adj. Mucoid (of or pertaining to mucus).
MUCOIDAL adj. mucus-like.
MULTICARmulticar adj. Using or involving multiple cars.
MULTICAR adj. involving several cars.
MUSICALEmusicale n. A musical entertainment, usually private and typically involving classical music.
MUSICALE n. (French) a program of music performed at a social gathering.
MUSICALSmusicals n. Plural of musical.
MUSICAL n. a show punctuated by songs.
PLACITUMplacitum n. (Historical) A public court or assembly in the Middle Ages, over which the sovereign presided when a…
placitum n. (UK, law, obsolete) A court, or cause in court.
placitum n. (Law) A plea; a pleading; a judicial proceeding; a suit.
SUBCLAIMsubclaim n. A claim forming part of a larger claim.
SUBCLAIM n. a subdivision of a claim.
TALMUDICTalmudic adj. Of, or relating to the Talmud.
Talmudic adj. (By extension, offensive, dated) Characterized by or making extremely fine distinctions; overly detailed…
TALMUDIC adj. (Hebrew) pertaining to Jewish civil and religious law.
ULTIMACYultimacy n. The condition of being ultimate.
ULTIMACY n. the state of being ultimate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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