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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, C, I, L, M and R

ACROMIALacromial adj. Of or pertaining to the acromion.
ACROMIAL adj. of or pertaining to the acromion, the outer extremity of the shoulder blade.
CALAMARIcalamari n. Squid as food, especially cooked in the form of calamari rings.
calamari n. Squid, the mollusk, in general.
Calamari prop.n. A surname from Italian.
CHRISMALchrismal adj. Of or pertaining to or used in chrism.
chrismal n. A vessel for holding chrism; a chrismatory.
chrismal n. A veil used in christening.
CLAIMERSclaimers n. Plural of claimer.
CLAIMER n. one who makes a claim, also CLAIMANT.
CLAMMIERclammier adj. Comparative form of clammy: more clammy.
CLAMMY adj. unpleasantly damp.
CREAMILYcreamily adv. In a creamy manner.
CREAMY adv. having the consistency of cream.
CRIMINALcriminal adj. Against the law; forbidden by law.
criminal adj. Guilty of breaking the law.
criminal adj. Of or relating to crime or penal law.
DROMICALdromical adj. Relating to a dromos or racecourse.
DROMICAL adj. relating to a racecourse, also DROMIC.
FILMCARDfilmcard n. A card containing microfilm data, used in a microfiche system.
FILMCARD n. a fiche, a card or strip of film containing miniaturized data.
LACRIMALlacrimal adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to tears or the tear-secreting organs.
lacrimal adj. Alternative spelling of lachrymal.
lacrimal n. (Anatomy) Ellipsis of lacrimal bone..
MAILCARSmail␣cars n. Plural of mail car.
MAILCAR n. a railway coach specially constructed for the transport of mail, also MAILCOACH.
MARLITICmarlitic adj. Resembling or characteristic of marlite.
MARLITIC adj. partaking of the qualities of marlite, marl with 25% to 75% clay, plus chalk.
METRICALmetrical adj. Relating to poetic meter.
metrical adj. Having a regular rhythm.
metrical adj. Of or pertaining to measurement.
MICELLARmicellar adj. Of or pertaining to micelles.
MICELLAR adj. of or like a micella, a group of molecular chains, a structural unit of colloids.
MILLRACEmillrace n. Alternative form of mill race.
mill-race n. Alternative form of mill race.
mill␣race n. A fast-running water-filled channel diverted from a river or stream used to drive a mill wheel.
MIRACLESmiracles n. Plural of miracle.
miracles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of miracle.
MIRACLE n. an event ascribed to supernatural or divine origin.
MULTICARmulticar adj. Using or involving multiple cars.
MULTICAR adj. involving several cars.
PICLORAMpicloram n. The herbicide 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid.
PICLORAM n. a herbicide.
PROCLAIMproclaim v. To announce or declare.
proclaim v. (Dated or historical) To make [something] the subject of an official proclamation bringing it within…
PROCLAIM v. to make known.
RECLAIMSreclaims v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reclaim.
RECLAIM v. to make suitable for cultivation or habitation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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