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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, C, I, K, L and T

ANTILOCKantilock adj. Alternative spelling of anti-lock.
anti-lock adj. Preventing something from becoming stuck or jammed. Especially applies to anti-lock brakes, which are…
ANTILOCK adj. designed to stop wheels locking.
BACKLIFTbacklift n. (Cricket) The lifting of the bat in preparation for hitting the ball.
BACKLIFT n. the backwards lifting of a bat.
BACKLISTbacklist n. (Publishing) A list of older books available from a publisher, as opposed to the frontlist of more recent titles.
backlist v. (Transitive) To hold back a student’s application (To a college etc.) based on whether a preferred candidate…
backlist v. (Transitive, publishing) To place (a book) on a backlist.
BLACKTIPblacktip n. Any of various fish having black-colored tips.
blacktip n. Any of various pierid butterflies of the genus Elphinstonia, having black tips to the upper forewings.
BLACKTIP n. a kind of small shark.
BUCKTAILbucktail n. The tail of a deer, traditionally used as a fishing lure.
BUCKTAIL n. a fishing lure.
CHALKPITchalkpit n. A quarry where chalk is found.
CHALKPIT n. a quarry of chalk.
COATLIKEcoatlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a coat (item of clothing).
COATLIKE adj. like a coat.
COCKTAILcocktail n. A mixed alcoholic beverage.
cocktail n. (By extension) A mixture of other substances or things.
cocktail n. A horse, not of pure breed, but having only one eighth or one sixteenth impure blood in its veins.
DUCKTAILducktail n. A hairstyle in which the hair is swept back into an upturned point at the back.
DUCKTAIL n. (US) a style of haircut.
FLATPICKflatpick v. To play acoustic guitar in the flatpicking style.
flat-pick v. Alternative spelling of flatpick.
FLATPICK v. to play (a guitar, banjo, etc.) by plucking individual strings with a plectrum.
HELITACKHELITACK n. the use of helicopters to fight forest fires.
LIFTBACKliftback n. (US) hatchback.
LIFTBACK n. a motorcar with a sloping rear door; a hatchback.
MALSTICKmalstick n. Alternative form of maulstick.
MALSTICK n. (Dutch) a stick used by painters to steady the hand, also MAHLSTICK, MAULSTICK.
MOCKTAILmocktail n. A non-alcoholic cocktail.
MOCKTAIL n. a cocktail with no alcohol.
PLANKTICplanktic adj. Planktonic.
PLANKTIC adj. relating to plankton.
TACKLINGtackling v. Present participle of tackle.
tackling n. The process by which something is tackled or dealt with.
tackling n. (Nautical) The tackle of a vessel.
TAILBACKtailback n. (UK) A line of motor vehicles causing or the result of traffic congestion or a traffic jam.
tailback n. (American football) A running back or halfback who lines up furthest to the rear in an I formation.
TAILBACK n. a member of a football formation.
TALCKIERTALCKY adj. pertaining to talc.
TALCKINGTALC v. to treat with a fine powdery mineral.
TICKLACETICKLACE n. (Canadian) in Newfoundland, a kittiwake, also TICKLEASS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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