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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, C, H, S, T and Y

ACOLYTHSacolyths n. Plural of acolyth.
ACOLYTH n. (obsolete) a faithful follower, also ACOLYTE.
CHANTEYSchanteys n. Plural of chantey.
CHANTEY n. a song sung by sailors as they worked, also CHANTIE, CHANTY, SHANTEY, SHANTY.
CHASTELYchastely adv. In a chaste manner. (either specifically virginal, or in a modest, unsexy and unrisque manner)
CHASTE adv. sexually virtuous.
CHASTITYchastity n. The quality of being chaste: the state of abstaining from any sexual activity considered immoral; avoidance…
Chastity prop.n. (Rare) A female given name from English from the virtue chastity.
CHASTITY n. moral purity.
CHAYOTESchayotes n. Plural of chayote.
CHAYOTE n. (Nahuatl) a tropical American vine, aka choko or chocho; its edible fruit eaten as a vegetable.
ECTHYMASecthymas n. Plural of ecthyma.
ECTHYMA n. (Greek) a skin disease with large round pustules.
HAYSTACKhaystack n. A mound, pile, or stack of stored hay.
haystack n. (Canoeing) A standing wave in a rapid.
haystack n. (Programming) The text string within which another string is searched for. (see: needle in a haystack)
SCRATCHYscratchy adj. Characterized by scratches.
scratchy adj. (Chiefly of a sore throat) Annoying, irritating, itchy.
scratchy adj. (Informal, of an analogue radio transmission) Noisy, lossy; marred by white noise or static as a result…
SCYPHATEscyphate adj. Concave or cup-shaped.
scyphate n. A concave or cup-shaped coin.
SCYPHATE adj. shaped like a cup.
SKYWATCHskywatch v. To watch the sky for aircraft, satellites or UFOs or for stars, comets etc.
SKYWATCH v. to observe the sky for heavenly bodies or aircraft.
STANCHLYstanchly adv. In a stanch manner.
STANCH adv. firm, steadfast, also STAUNCH.
STOMACHYstomachy adj. (Obsolete) obstinate; sullen; haughty.
STOMACHY adj. paunchy; easily angered, irritable.
TACHYONStachyons n. Plural of tachyon.
TACHYON n. a theoretical elementary particle moving faster than light.
YACHTERSyachters n. Plural of yachter.
YACHTER n. one who sails a yacht, also YACHTIE, YACHTMAN, YACHTSMAN.
YACHTIESyachties n. Plural of yachty.
YACHTIE n. (Australian slang) a yachtsman, also YACHTER, YACHTMAN, YACHTSMAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 45 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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