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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing A, C, H, L, O and P

CALTHROPcalthrop n. Alternative form of caltrop.
Calthrop prop.n. A surname.
CALTHROP n. a device with four metal points so arranged so that one points upward as a hazard, also CALTRAP, CALTROP.
CAMPHOLScamphols n. Plural of camphol.
CAMPHOL n. a rare variety of camphor, aka borneol, also CAMPHIRE, CAMPHOR.
OMPHALIComphalic adj. Of or pertaining to the umbilicus, or navel.
OMPHALIC adj. pertaining to the navel.
ORPHICALOrphical adj. Orphic.
ORPHICAL adj. mystical, oracular, also ORPHIC.
PACHOULIpachouli n. Alternative spelling of patchouli.
PACHOULI n. (Tamil) an Asiatic tree with a fragrant perfume oil; the resulting perfume, also PATCHOULI, PATCHOULY.
POLYARCHpolyarch n. (Rare) A state of many rulers, many leaders.
polyarch n. (Botany) A root that has many xylem bundles.
POLYARCH adj. having many xylem strands.
POTLACHEpotlache n. Dated spelling of potlatch.
POTLACHE n. (Native American) a social event or celebration which features reciprocal gift-giving, also POTLACH, POTLATCH.
POTLATCHpotlatch n. (Canada, US, also figuratively) A ceremony amongst certain indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest…
potlatch n. (US, chiefly Alaska) A communal meal to which guests bring dishes to share; a potluck.
potlatch v. (Transitive) To give; especially, to give as a gift during a potlatch ceremony.
RAPLOCHSRAPLOCH n. (Scots) a homespun material.
RHOPALICrhopalic adj. (Poetry, rhetoric) Having each successive word longer by a letter or syllable.
rhopalic n. A rhopalic poem.
RHOPALIC adj. each word being increased by a syllable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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