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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, C, G, L, N and R

CARINGLYcaringly adv. In a caring manner.
CARINGLY adj. in the manner of showing concern.
CARLINGScarlings n. Plural of carling.
Carlings prop.n. Plural of Carling.
CARLING n. a short timber running lengthwise of a ship, from one transverse desk beam to another.
CAROLINGcaroling v. (US) present participle of carol.
caroling n. A singing of carols.
CAROLING n. singing carols, also CAROLLING.
CINGULARcingular adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the cingulum.
CINGULAR adj. ring-shaped, encircling, also CINGULATE, CINGULATED.
CLANGERSclangers n. Plural of clanger.
CLANGER n. (colloquial) a mistake.
CLANGORSclangors n. Plural of clangor.
clangors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of clangor.
CLANGOR v. to clang loudly, also CLANGOUR.
CLANGOURclangour n. (Britain, Canada) A loud, repeating clanging sound; a loud racket; a din.
clangour v. (Britain, Canada) To make a clanging sound.
CLANGOUR v. to clang loudly, also CLANGOR.
CLARTINGclarting v. Present participle of clart.
CLART v. to dirty.
CLEARINGclearing v. Present participle of clear.
clearing n. The act or process of making or becoming clear.
clearing n. An area of land within a wood or forest devoid of trees.
CORNFLAGcornflag n. Alternative form of corn-flag.
corn-flag n. Sword lily.
CORNFLAG n. another name for the flower gladiolus.
CRAALINGcraaling v. Present participle of craal.
CRAAL v. (South African) to pen in an enclosure.
CRADLINGcradling v. Present participle of cradle.
cradling n. The act by which one cradles a child etc.
cradling n. The act of using a cradle (the tool).
CRAWLINGcrawling v. Present participle and gerund of crawl.
crawling n. The motion of something that crawls.
CRAWLING adj. creeping; lousy, verminous.
GLANCERSglancers n. Plural of glancer.
GLANCER n. one who glances.
ORACLINGoracling v. Present participle of oracle.
ORACLE v. to utter as an oracle.
RELACINGrelacing v. Present participle of relace.
RELACE v. to do up again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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