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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, C, F, L, R and U

CARTFULScartfuls n. Plural of cartful.
CARTFUL n. the contents of a cart.
CHARMFULcharmful adj. Abounding with charms.
CHARMFUL adj. full of charm.
CRAMFULLcram-full adj. Completely filled; crammed full.
CRAMFULL adj. completely full.
CRATEFULcrateful n. (Informal) As much as a crate would hold.
CRATEFUL n. the contents of a crate.
FULCRATEfulcrate adj. (Botany) Propped; supported by accessory organs.
fulcrate adj. Furnished with fulcrums.
FULCRATE adj. supported by fulcrums.
FURCULAEfurculae n. Plural of furcula.
furculæ n. (Obsolete) plural of furcula.
FURCULA n. (Latin) the jointed clavicles of a bird, aka wishbone, also FURCULUM.
FURCULARfurcular adj. Shaped like a fork; furcate.
furcular adj. (Anatomy) Relating to a furcula.
FURCULAR adj. shaped like a fork.
GRACEFULgraceful adj. Having or showing grace in movement, shape, or proportion.
graceful adj. Magnanimous, lacking arrogance or complaint; gracious.
graceful adj. (Computing) Gradual and non-disruptive.
RACKFULSrackfuls n. Plural of rackful.
RACKFUL n. as much as a rack can hold.
SCROFULAscrofula n. (Pathology) A form of tuberculosis, most common in women 30-40 years of age, tending to cause enlarged…
SCROFULA n. (Latin) tuberculosis of the lymph nodes, esp. in the neck, giving rise to abscesses.
WRACKFULwrackful adj. Full of wrack or wreckage; ruinous; destructive.
WRACKFUL adj. destructive, also WRECKFUL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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