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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, C, F, I, N and R

CARNIFEXcarnifex n. (Now rare, historical) An executioner.
CARNIFEX n. (Latin) an executioner, esp. the public executioner in ancient Rome.
CRAFTINGcrafting v. Present participle of craft.
crafting n. The act by which something is crafted.
CRAFT v. to make by hand.
FANCIERSfanciers n. Plural of fancier.
FANCIER n. one that has a special liking for something.
FARCINGSfarcings n. Plural of farcing.
FARCING n. in cookery, stuffing.
FORNICALfornical adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the fornix.
FORNICAL adj. relating to a fornix, an arch or fold.
FRACKINGfracking n. (Oil industry) Hydraulic fracturing.
fracking adj. (Slang, euphemistic, bowdlerization) Fucking.
FRACKING n. the process of forcing liquid containing sand or other material into the strata round a well bottom to split them and prevent them closing.
FRACTINGfracting n. Alternative form of fracking.
FRACT v. to break; to violate.
FRACTIONfraction n. A part of a whole, especially a comparatively small part.
fraction n. (Arithmetic) A ratio of two numbers (numerator and denominator), usually written one above the other…
fraction n. (Chemistry) A component of a mixture, separated by fractionation.
FRANCISEFRANCISE v. (Canadian) to make or become French-speaking, also FRANCIZE.
FRANCIUMfrancium n. The chemical element (symbol Fr) with an atomic number of 87. It is an intensely radioactive alkali…
francium n. (Countable) A single atom of this element.
FRANCIUM n. a radioactive element.
FRANCIZEfrancize v. (Transitive) Synonym of frenchify, to make French or more French-like.
francize v. (Intransitive) Synonym of frenchify, to become French or more French-like.
FRANCIZE v. (Canadian) to make or become French-speaking, also FRANCISE.
FRICANDOfricando n. Archaic form of fricandeau.
FRICANDO n. a roasted loin of veal, also FRICANDEAU.
INFARCTSinfarcts n. Plural of infarct.
INFARCT n. a portion of dead and scarred tissue in an organ resulting from congestion or blockage of a blood vessel serving it.
INFRACTSinfracts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of infract.
INFRACT v. to break a legal rule.
REFACINGrefacing v. Present participle of reface.
REFACE v. to repair the outer surface of.
SCARFINGscarfing v. Present participle of scarf.
SCARFING n. in carpentry, joining with a scarf end.
SCARFPINscarfpin n. A pin used to hold a scarf or tie in place.
SCARFPIN n. a pin for fastening a scarf.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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