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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, C, F, I, L and T

AFFLICTSafflicts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of afflict.
AFFLICT v. to distress severely.
BACKLIFTbacklift n. (Cricket) The lifting of the bat in preparation for hitting the ball.
BACKLIFT n. the backwards lifting of a bat.
CALIFATEcalifate n. Alternative form of caliphate.
CALIFONTCALIFONT n. (tradename) a kind of gas water heater.
CLAFOUTIclafouti n. Alternative spelling of clafoutis.
CLAFOUTI n. (French) a dessert consisting of a layer of fruit topped with batter and baked.
CRAFTILYcraftily adv. In a crafty manner; slyly.
CRAFTY adv. skillful in deceiving.
FACELIFTfacelift n. Plastic surgery to the face to remove wrinkles, fat or various signs of aging.
facelift n. (By extension) Any activity undertaken to renew, revamp, update, or improve the appearance of something.
facelift v. To perform a facelift upon.
FACILITYfacility n. The fact of being easy, or easily done; absence of difficulty, simplicity.
facility n. Dexterity of speech or action; skill, talent.
facility n. The physical means or contrivances to make something (especially a public service) possible; the required…
FISTICALfistical adj. Synonym of fistic.
FISTICAL adj. (facetious) related to pugilism, also FISTIC.
FLATPICKflatpick v. To play acoustic guitar in the flatpicking style.
flat-pick v. Alternative spelling of flatpick.
FLATPICK v. to play (a guitar, banjo, etc.) by plucking individual strings with a plectrum.
LACTIFIClactific adj. Producing or yielding milk.
LACTIFIC adj. producing milk.
LIFTBACKliftback n. (US) hatchback.
LIFTBACK n. a motorcar with a sloping rear door; a hatchback.
SULFATICsulfatic adj. Alternative form of sulphatic.
SULFATIC adj. pertaining to a salt of sulphuric acid, also SULPHATIC.
TRIFOCALtrifocal adj. (Optics) Of or pertaining to corrective lenses that have three different powers per eye.
TRIFOCAL adj. of a lens, giving near, intermediate and far vision.
TRIFOCAL n. a trifocal lens.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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