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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, C, E, R, S and Y

ACTRESSYactressy adj. Characteristic of an actress.
actressy adj. Histrionic or theatrical.
ACTRESSY adj. like an actress.
ANCESTRYancestry n. Condition as to ancestors; ancestral lineage; hence, birth or honorable descent.
ancestry n. A series of ancestors or progenitors; lineage, or those who compose the line of natural descent.
ANCESTRY n. a line of ancestors.
CALOYERScaloyers n. Plural of caloyer.
CALOYER n. (French) a Greek Orthodox monk, esp. of the order of St Basil.
CARNYXEScarnyxes n. Plural of carnyx.
CARNYX n. a long war trumpet used by the Celts.
CHARLEYScharleys n. Plural of charley.
Charleys n. Plural of Charley.
CHARLEY n. a fool, also CHARLIE.
COARSELYcoarsely adv. In a coarse manner.
COARSE adv. rough, crude.
CYTASTERCYTASTER n. a structure formed in a cell.
DAYCARESdaycares n. Plural of daycare.
day␣cares n. Plural of day care.
DAYCARE n. care for children and disabled adults during the day.
DECAYERSdecayers n. Plural of decayer.
DECAYER n. an agent that causes decay.
KEYCARDSkeycards n. Plural of keycard.
key␣cards n. Plural of key card (alternative spelling of keycards).
KEYCARD n. a coded card for operating a device.
RACEWAYSraceways n. Plural of raceway.
RACEWAY n. a course for running races over.
SACREDLYsacredly adv. In a sacred manner.
SACRED adv. dedicated to or set apart for the worship of a deity.
SCARCELYscarcely adv. (Modal) Probably not.
scarcely adv. (Modal) Certainly not.
scarcely adv. (Degree) Hardly: only just; by a small margin.
SCATTERYscattery adj. Tending to scatter or be scattered; loose, ragtag.
SCATTERY adj. dispersed; sparse.
SYCAMOREsycamore n. (US) Any of several North American plane trees, of the genus Platanus, especially Platanus occidentalis…
sycamore n. (Britain) A large British and European species of maple, Acer pseudoplatanus, known in North America…
sycamore n. (Originally) A large tree bearing edible fruit, Ficus sycomorus, allied to the common fig, found in Egypt and Syria.
YACHTERSyachters n. Plural of yachter.
YACHTER n. one who sails a yacht, also YACHTIE, YACHTMAN, YACHTSMAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 70 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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