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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, C, E, Q, S and U

ACEQUIASacequias n. Plural of acequia.
ACEQUIA n. (Spanish) an irrigation ditch.
ACQUESTSacquests n. Plural of acquest.
ACQUEST n. a thing acquired; specifically property gained otherwise than by inheritance, also ACQUIST.
ACQUIRESacquires v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of acquire.
ACQUIRE v. to come into possession of.
ACQUITESacquites v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of acquite (Obsolete spelling of acquits.).
ACQUITE v. (obsolete) to free from a charge, also ACQUIT, ACQUIGHT.
CACIQUEScaciques n. Plural of cacique.
CACIQUE n. a West Indian or American Indian chief, also CAZIQUE.
CAZIQUEScaziques n. Plural of cazique; an alternative spelling of cacique.
CAZIQUE n. (Taino) a West Indian or American Indian chief, also CACIQUE.
CLAQUERSclaquers n. Plural of claquer.
CLAQUER n. a member of a claque, also CLAQUEUR.
COEQUALScoequals n. Plural of coequal.
COEQUAL n. one who is equal in rank or power.
LACQUERSlacquers n. Plural of lacquer.
LACQUER v. to coat with a glossy substance, also LACKER.
LACQUEYSlacqueys n. Plural of lacquey.
LACQUEY v. to serve in a servile manner, also LACKEY.
MACAQUESmacaques n. Plural of macaque.
MACAQUE n. (Bantu) a kind of short-tailed monkey.
QUACKERSquackers n. Plural of quacker.
QUACKER n. one who quacks.
QUACKLESquackles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of quackle.
QUACKLE v. to choke; to suffocate.
QUAICHESquaiches n. Plural of quaich.
QUAICH n. (Gaelic) a drinking-cup, also QUAIGH.
QUATCHESQUATCH v. (dialect) to stir, move, also QUETCH, QUICH, QUINCHE, QUITCH.
QUEACHESqueaches n. Plural of queach.
QUEACH n. (obsolete) a thicket, a dense growth of bushes.
RACQUETSracquets n. Plural of racquet.
racquets n. A game for two or four players, played in an enclosed court with a small hard fast-moving ball.
racquets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of racquet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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