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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, C, E, 2O and T

BOOTLACEbootlace n. A long lace for fastening boots.
bootlace n. A long, thin, chewy confectionery, typically with liquorice or fruit flavour.
BOOTLACE n. a lace for fastening boots.
CARETOOKcaretook v. Simple past tense of caretake.
CARETAKE v. to take care of someone's property.
COHOBATEcohobate v. (Chemistry, alchemy) To treat a material with a boiling liquid and repeatedly return the distillate.
cohobate n. The concentrated distillate so formed.
COHOBATE v. to distill again.
COLOCATEcolocate v. Alternative spelling of co-locate.
co-locate v. To locate or be located at the same site, for two things or groups, military units, etc.
co-locate v. To locate hardware within another company’s facilities.
COMATOSEcomatose adj. In a coma: unconscious.
comatose adj. (Informal) Drowsy or lethargic.
comatose adj. (Informal) Fast asleep.
CORONATEcoronate v. (Rare) To crown (a sovereign).
coronate adj. Having or wearing a crown; crowned.
coronate adj. (Zoology) Having a crest or a crownlike appendage.
COROTATEcorotate v. To rotate in conjunction with another object.
COROTATE v. to rotate together.
ECOTONALecotonal adj. Relating to ecotones.
ECOTONAL adj. relating to an ecotone, a zone of mixed vegetation formed by the overlapping of adjoining communities.
ECOTOPIAecotopia n. Any ecologically ideal place or situation.
ECOTOPIA n. an ecologically ideal region or type of society.
ECTOZOANectozoan n. Alternative form of ectozoon.
ECTOZOAN n. a parasite on the body of an animal, also ECTOZOON.
EVOCATORevocator n. Someone who evokes.
evocator n. (Medicine) A particular factor that controls the morphogenesis of the early embryo; the inductor.
EVOCATOR n. one who evokes, calls forth.
FOOTPACEfootpace n. A walking pace or step.
footpace n. A dais, or elevated platform; the highest step of the altar; a landing in a staircase.
FOOTPACE n. (obsolete) a walking pace.
FOOTRACEfootrace n. A race run on foot.
foot␣race n. Alternative form of footrace.
FOOTRACE n. a race run on foot.
OOTHECAEoothecae n. Plural of ootheca.
oöthecae n. Plural of oötheca.
OOTHECA n. (Greek) the egg case of certain insects.
OOTHECALoothecal adj. Relating to an ootheca.
OOTHECAL adj. pertaining to an ootheca, the firm-walled egg-case of some molluscs and insects.
OVERCOATovercoat n. A heavy garment worn over other clothes, for protection from cold or weather.
overcoat v. (Transitive) To apply an exterior coating to.
OVERCOAT n. a warm coat worn over clothing.
TOOLCASEtoolcase n. A case used for storing tools.
TOOLCASE n. a case for tools.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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