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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, C, E, N, O and V

CAVESSONcavesson n. A part of a horse’s bridle that consists of a headstall with a noseband. When a martingale is used…
CAVESSON n. (French) a noseband for a horse.
CENTAVOScentavos n. Plural of centavo.
CENTAVO n. (Spanish) a Portuguese coin and monetary unit, one hundredth of the standard unit of currency.
CONATIVEconative adj. Of or pertaining to a striving action.
CONATIVE adj. inclined to conation.
CONCAVEDconcaved v. Simple past tense and past participle of concave.
CONCAVE v. to curve inward.
CONCAVESconcaves n. Plural of concave.
concaves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of concave.
CONCAVE v. to curve inward.
CONCLAVEconclave n. (Roman Catholicism) A closed meeting in which the elector cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church choose a new pope.
conclave n. (Roman Catholicism) The set of apartments in which the elector cardinals are secluded while a conclave takes place.
conclave n. (Roman Catholicism) The group of cardinals involved in a conclave.
CONFERVAconferva n. An unbranched slender green freshwater alga.
CONFERVA n. (Latin) a freshwater alga.
CONVEYALconveyal n. Synonym of conveyance.
CONVEYAL n. a transmission.
COVALENTcovalent adj. (Chemistry) Containing or characterized by a covalent bond.
COVALENT adj. sharing electron pairs.
COVENANTcovenant n. (Law) An agreement to do or not do a particular thing.
covenant n. (Law) A promise, incidental to a deed or contract, either express or implied.
covenant n. A pact or binding agreement between two or more parties.
INVOCATEinvocate v. To invoke or implore.
invocate v. To summon or conjure up.
INVOCATE v. to appeal to for help, also INVOKE.
NOVERCALnovercal adj. Of or pertaining to a stepmother.
NOVERCAL adj. pertaining to a stepmother.
VERONICAveronica n. (Roman Catholicism) The image of Jesus’s face believed to have been made on the cloth with which St…
veronica n. (Bullfighting) A circular swinging movement of the cape, used to avoid the bull.
veronica n. (Botany) A flower of the genus Veronica, usually having blue petals.
VOIDANCEvoidance n. The act of voiding, of defecating or removing.
voidance n. The quality of being void.
VOIDANCE n. the act of voiding.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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