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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, C, E, 2N and R

CANCRINEcancrine adj. (Rare) Of or pertaining to crabs.
cancrine adj. (Poetry) Palindromic; reading the same forwards or backwards.
cancrine adj. (By extension) Of or pertaining to reading something backwards.
CHANNERSchanners n. Plural of channer.
Channers prop.n. Plural of Channer.
CHANNER n. (Scots) gravel, shingle.
CRANNIEDcrannied adj. Having crannies.
CRANNY v. to open in crannies and chinks.
CRANNIEScrannies n. Plural of cranny.
CRANNY v. to open in crannies and chinks.
CRANNOGEcrannoge n. Alternative form of crannog.
CRANNOGE n. (Gaelic) a lake dwelling in Scotland and Ireland, typically a tiny island artificially enlarged and fortified, also CRANNOG.
ENCRINALencrinal adj. Of or relating to encrinites.
ENCRINAL adj. containing fossils with branching arms, also ENCRINIC.
ENHANCERenhancer n. Something that enhances.
enhancer n. (Genetics) A short region of DNA that can increase transcription of genes.
ENHANCER n. one who enhances.
ENRACINGenracing v. Present participle of enrace.
ENRACE v. (Spenser) to implant.
ENTRANCEentrance n. (Countable) The action of entering, or going in.
entrance n. The act of taking possession, as of property, or of office.
entrance n. (Countable) The place of entering, as a gate or doorway.
NARCEENSNARCEEN n. a narcotic component of opium, also NARCEINE, NARCEIN.
NARCEINEnarceine n. (Pharmacology) An alkaloid contained in opium, occurring as fine white, silky crystals, slightly soluble…
NARCEINE n. a narcotic component of opium, also NARCEEN, NARCEIN.
NARCEINSnarceins n. Plural of narcein.
NARCEIN n. a narcotic component of opium, also NARCEINE, NARCEEN.
ORDNANCEordnance n. Military equipment, especially weapons and ammunition.
ordnance n. Artillery.
ORDNANCE n. military stores or supplies; missiles discharged in war; artillery.
PERNANCYpernancy n. (Law) A taking or reception, as the receiving of rents or tithes in kind, the receiving of profits.
PERNANCY n. receiving, in legal terms.
RANCHMENranchmen n. Plural of ranchman.
RANCHMAN n. one who works on or owns a ranch.
RECANINGrecaning v. Present participle of recane.
RECANE v. to replace the cane of.
REGNANCYregnancy n. The condition or quality of being regnant; sovereignty; rule.
REGNANCY n. the condition of being regnant.
SCANNERSscanners n. Plural of scanner.
SCANNER n. a device for scanning documents.
SCRANNELscrannel adj. (Archaic) slight; thin; lean; poor.
SCRANNEL n. (archaic) a thin person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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