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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, C, E, M, N and U

ACHENIUMachenium n. (Botany) achene.
ACHENIUM n. a small one-seeded fruit; a naked seed, also ACHAENIUM, ACHENE, AKENE.
CACUMENSCACUMEN n. (Latin) a top or point.
COLUMNEACOLUMNEA n. a bushy tropical plant.
CRUMENALCRUMENAL n. (Spenser) a purse.
CUMACEANcumacean n. Any crustacean of the order Cumacea.
CUMACEAN n. a small crustacean living on the seabed.
CUMARONECUMARONE n. a liquid derived from coal tar, also COUMARONE.
DECUMANSdecumans n. Plural of decuman.
DECUMAN n. (Latin) a great wave, as every tenth wave was supposed to be.
DUMBCANEdumbcane n. A tropical plant of the genus Dieffenbachia.
dumb␣cane n. Alternative form of dumbcane (Dieffenbachia seguine).
DUMBCANE n. a poisonous tropical plant.
MANCUSESmancuses n. Plural of mancus.
MANCUS n. (historical) an Anglo-Saxon monetary unit of the value of thirty pence.
MANICUREmanicure n. A cosmetic treatment for the fingernails.
manicure n. (Dated) A manicurist.
manicure v. To apply such treatment to the hands.
MANUCODEmanucode n. Any of the birds of paradise in the genus Manucodia.
MANUCODE n. (Javanese) a bird of Paradise.
NEUMATICneumatic adj. (Music) Written using neumes.
NEUMATIC adj. relating to a neume, a sign used in musical notation, also NEUMIC.
NUMERACYnumeracy n. The quality of being numerate; numerical skill.
NUMERACY n. the state of understanding basic mathematics.
SEMUNCIAsemuncia n. (Historical) A bronze coin minted during the Roman Republic, valued at one twenty-fourth of an as.
SEMUNCIA n. (Latin) a Roman coin equivalent to one twenty-fourth part of a Roman pound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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