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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, C, E, F, I and T

ARTIFICEartifice n. A crafty but underhanded deception.
artifice n. A trick played out as an ingenious, but artful, ruse.
artifice n. A strategic maneuver that uses some clever means to avoid detection or capture.
BEATIFICbeatific adj. Blessed, blissful, heavenly.
beatific adj. Having a benign appearance.
BEATIFIC adj. making supremely happy, also BEATIFICAL.
CALIFATEcalifate n. Alternative form of caliphate.
CRAFTIERcraftier adj. Comparative form of crafty: more crafty.
CRAFTY adj. skillful in deceiving.
FACELIFTfacelift n. Plastic surgery to the face to remove wrinkles, fat or various signs of aging.
facelift n. (By extension) Any activity undertaken to renew, revamp, update, or improve the appearance of something.
facelift v. To perform a facelift upon.
FACETIAEfacetiae n. (Rare) Witty or amusing writings or remarks.
facetiae n. (Archaic, euphemistic) Indecent books.
FACETIAE n. (Latin) witty sayings or writings.
FACETIMEfacetime n. Alternative form of face time.
facetime v. Alternative letter-case form of FaceTime.
FaceTime prop.n. A videotelephony software developed by Apple Inc., introduced in 2010.
FACETINGfaceting v. Present participle of facet.
faceting n. An arrangement into facets.
FACETING n. the act of cutting into facets.
FACTICESfactices n. Plural of factice.
FACTICE n. vulcanized oil, used as substitute for rubber, also FACTIS.
FACTISESFACTIS n. (Latin) vulcanized oil, used as substitute for rubber, also FACTICE.
FANCIESTfanciest adj. Superlative form of fancy: most fancy.
FANCY adj. ornamental.
FASCIATEfasciate v. (Transitive) To bind.
fasciate v. To apply fascia.
fasciate adj. Bound with a fillet, sash, or bandage.
FERACITYferacity n. (Obsolete) The state of being feracious, or fruitful.
FERACITY n. the state of being feracious, fruitful.
SHITFACEshitface n. (Vulgar, derogatory) a contemptible person.
SHITFACE n. (vulgar) a contemptible person.
TRIFECTAtrifecta n. (US, Australia, New Zealand) A bet in which the bettor must select the first three placegetters of a…
trifecta n. (US, Australia, New Zealand) The attainment of three important achievements, qualities, etc.
trifecta n. (US, Australia, New Zealand, by extension) A set of three related things, often things that cause problems.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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