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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, C, 2E, T and U

ABDUCTEEabductee n. An abducted person, in particular a person abducted by aliens.
ABDUCTEE n. one who is abducted.
ACULEATEaculeate adj. Having a sting; sharp like a prickle.
aculeate adj. Having prickles or sharp points.
aculeate adj. (Entomology) Having a stinger; stinging.
COEQUATEcoequate v. (Transitive) To make equal to each other.
COEQUATE v. to equate with something else.
CREATUREcreature n. A living being; an animal.
creature n. An unidentified, mysterious, and often monstrous animal or being.
creature n. (Sometimes derogatory) A human.
CUNEATEDcuneated adj. Cuneate.
CUNEATED adj. wedge-shaped, also CUNEAL, CUNEATE, CUNEATIC.
ECAUDATEecaudate adj. (Biology) Tailless; without a tail or tail-like appendage.
ECAUDATE adj. tailless, also ACAUDAL, ACAUDATE.
EDUCATEDeducated adj. Having attained a level of higher education, such as a college degree.
educated adj. Based on relevant information.
educated v. Simple past tense and past participle of educate.
EDUCATESeducates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of educate.
EDUCATE v. to teach.
ENACTUREenacture n. (Obsolete) action, act of enacting.
ENACTURE n. (Shakespeare) a performance, a fulfilment.
ERUCTATEeructate v. (Formal, intransitive) To burp; to belch.
ERUCTATE v. to belch out, also ERUCT.
EVACUATEevacuate v. (Transitive) To leave or withdraw from; to quit; to retire from.
evacuate v. To cause (or help) to leave or withdraw from.
evacuate v. To make empty; to empty out; to remove the contents of, including to create a vacuum.
NUCLEATEnucleate adj. Having a nucleus; nucleated.
nucleate v. To form (into) a nucleus, or to act as a nucleus.
nucleate n. Any salt of a nucleic acid.
PECULATEpeculate v. To embezzle.
PECULATE v. to embezzle.
PERACUTEperacute adj. Very sharp; very violent.
PERACUTE adj. violent.
SECATEURSECATEUR n. (French) a pruning tool.
ULCERATEulcerate adj. (Palynology, of a pollen grain) Having an ulcus, a rounded pore-like aperture, at one or both poles.
ulcerate v. (Medicine, transitive) To cause an ulcer to develop.
ulcerate v. (Medicine, intransitive) To become ulcerous.
UNCREATEuncreate v. (Transitive) To kill; to destroy; to deprive of existence; to annihilate.
uncreate v. (Transitive) To undo the act of creating.
UNCREATE v. to deprive of existence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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