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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, C, 2E, R and U

ACQUIREEacquiree n. Something that is to be acquired, especially a company that is the target of a takeover.
ACQUIREE n. one that is acquired.
BARBECUEbarbecue n. A fireplace or pit for grilling food, typically used outdoors and traditionally employing hot charcoal…
barbecue n. A meal or event highlighted by food cooked in such an apparatus.
barbecue n. Meat, especially pork or beef, which has been cooked in such an apparatus (i.e. smoked over indirect…
BERCEAUXBERCEAU n. (French) a cradle, a covered walk.
CAESURAEcaesurae n. Plural of caesura.
cæsuræ n. Plural of cæsura.
CAESURA n. (Latin) a pause in a line of verse, also CESURA.
CARDECUEcardecue n. (Historical) An old French coin worth one quarter of an écu.
CARDECUE n. (French) an old French coin, also CARDECU.
CAUSERIEcauserie n. An informal conversation, or casual short written article, especially on a serious topic.
CAUSERIE n. (French) a light and informal conversation; a brief, conversational essay.
CERULEANcerulean n. (Countable and uncountable, color) A greenish-blue color.
cerulean n. (Countable) Any of various lycaenid butterflies of the genus Jamides.
cerulean adj. Sky-blue.
CREATUREcreature n. A living being; an animal.
creature n. An unidentified, mysterious, and often monstrous animal or being.
creature n. (Sometimes derogatory) A human.
ECRASEURecraseur n. (Surgery) A surgical instrument intended to replace the knife in many operations, the parts operated…
écraseur n. Alternative form of ecraseur.
ECRASEUR n. (French) a surgical instrument in the form of a wire or chain loop which cuts as it tightens.
ENACTUREenacture n. (Obsolete) action, act of enacting.
ENACTURE n. (Shakespeare) a performance, a fulfilment.
ERUCTATEeructate v. (Formal, intransitive) To burp; to belch.
ERUCTATE v. to belch out, also ERUCT.
FARCEUSEfarceuse n. A female farceur.
FARCEUSE n. (French) a (female) writer of farces.
HEUCHERAheuchera n. Any of the genus Heuchera of herbaceous perennial plants; coral bells, alumroot.
Heuchera prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Saxifragaceae – alumroots and coralbells.
HEUCHERA n. a North American plant with heart-shaped leaves and mostly red flowers.
PERACUTEperacute adj. Very sharp; very violent.
PERACUTE adj. violent.
REACCUSEreaccuse v. (Transitive) To accuse again.
REACCUSE v. to accuse again.
SECATEURSECATEUR n. (French) a pruning tool.
SURCEASEsurcease n. Cessation; stop, stopping; end. Respite, intermission.
surcease v. (Intransitive) To come to an end; to desist.
surcease v. (Transitive) To bring to an end.
ULCERATEulcerate adj. (Palynology, of a pollen grain) Having an ulcus, a rounded pore-like aperture, at one or both poles.
ulcerate v. (Medicine, transitive) To cause an ulcer to develop.
ulcerate v. (Medicine, intransitive) To become ulcerous.
UNCREATEuncreate v. (Transitive) To kill; to destroy; to deprive of existence; to annihilate.
uncreate v. (Transitive) To undo the act of creating.
UNCREATE v. to deprive of existence.
VERRUCAEverrucae n. Plural of verruca.
VERRUCA n. (Latin) a plantar wart.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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