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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, C, 2E, L and O

CAKEHOLEcakehole n. (Slang, offensive) The mouth.
CAKEHOLE n. a person's mouth.
CAMELEONcameleon n. Obsolete form of chameleon.
CAMELEON n. a small African lizard with a prehensile tail and tongue, also CHAMAELEON, CHAMELEON.
CAVEOLAEcaveolae n. Plural of caveola.
CAVEOLA n. a tiny pit in a cell membrane.
COALESCEcoalesce v. (Of separate elements) To join into a single mass or whole.
coalesce v. (Of a whole or a unit) To form from different pieces or elements.
coalesce v. (Engineering) To bond pieces of metal into a continuous whole by liquefying parts of each piece, bringing…
COCHLEAEcochleae n. Plural of cochlea.
COCHLEA n. (Latin) a part of the ear.
COENACLECOENACLE n. a dining room, also CENACLE.
COLEADERcoleader n. A joint leader.
COLEADER n. one who leads together with someone else.
CORELATECORELATE v. to place in mutual relation.
ESCALOPEescalope n. A thin slice of meat, especially veal or poultry.
escalope n. (Heraldry) A charge (depiction) of the scallop.
ESCALOPE v. (French) to cut in a scallop shape, also ESCALOP.
ESCAROLEescarole n. (Canada, US) A subspecies or variety of broad-leaved endive (Cichorium endivia subsp. endivia, syn…
ESCAROLE n. (French) a wavy-leafed salad plant of the endive family.
EVOCABLEevocable adj. That can be evoked.
EVOCABLE adj. able to be evoked.
OCELLATEocellate adj. Ocellated.
OCELLATE adj. eyelike and ringed; having an eyelike spot or spots, also OCELLATED.
OPALESCEopalesce v. To be opalescent; to give forth a play of colours, like the opal.
OPALESCE v. to emit an iridescent shimmer of colors.
RECOALEDrecoaled v. Simple past tense and past participle of recoal.
RECOAL v. to refill with coal.
RELOCATErelocate v. (Transitive) to move (something) from one place to another.
relocate v. (Intransitive) to change one’s domicile or place of business.
RELOCATE v. to establish in a new place.
SECALOSESECALOSE n. a sugar which occurs in green rye and oats.
SHOELACEshoelace n. A lace used for fastening a shoe.
shoe-lace n. Alternative spelling of shoelace.
SHOELACE n. a lace for fastening a shoe.
VOCALESEvocalese n. Jazz singing genre where the lyrics are written to melodies that were originally parts of an all-instrumental…
VOCALESE n. a type of singing in which the singer improvises words to familiar instrumental solos.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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