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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, C, 3E and R

CAMELEERcameleer n. Camel driver or camel rider, one who travels by camel.
CAMELEER n. a camel driver.
CAREENEDcareened v. Simple past tense and past participle of careen.
CAREEN v. to turn (a ship) on its side for repairs.
CAREENERcareener n. One who moves with a careening motion.
careener n. (Nautical) A person employed to expose the side of a ship by tilting it to carry out cleaning and repairs.
CAREENER n. one who careens.
CAREEREDcareered v. Simple past tense and past participle of career.
CAREER v. to go at full speed.
CAREERERcareerer n. One who careers.
CAREERER n. one who careers.
CAREFREEcarefree adj. Without cares or worries; free of concern or worries; without difficulty.
CAREFREE adj. without worry.
CARGEESEcargeese n. Plural of cargoose.
CARGOOSE n. (Old Norse) the crested grebe.
CREEPAGEcreepage n. A gradual, creeping movement.
creepage n. The leakage of an electrical current across the surface of an insulator (dielectric).
CREEPAGE n. gradual movement.
DECREASEdecrease v. (Intransitive) Of a quantity, to become smaller.
decrease v. (Transitive) To make (a quantity) smaller.
decrease n. An amount by which a quantity is decreased.
EARPIECEearpiece n. A speaker placed inside or held near to the ear.
earpiece n. A receiver of a telephone to hold near to one’s ear.
earpiece n. The arm on a pair of glasses that hooks over the ear to hold them in place.
ENCREASEencrease n. Obsolete spelling of increase.
encrease v. Obsolete spelling of increase.
ENCREASE v. to become larger, also INCREASE.
ETCETERAetcetera phr. Alternative form of et cetera.
etcetera n. Alternative form of et cetera.
et␣cetera phr. (Uncommon) The full form of etc.: and so forth, and the rest.
EXECRATEexecrate v. (Transitive) to feel loathing for; to abhor.
execrate v. (Transitive) to declare to be hateful or abhorrent; to denounce.
execrate v. (Intransitive, archaic) to invoke a curse; to curse or swear.
REACCEDEreaccede v. To accede again.
REACCEDE v. to accede again.
RECREATErecreate v. (Transitive) To give new life, energy or encouragement (to); to refresh, enliven.
recreate v. (Reflexive) To enjoy or entertain oneself.
recreate v. (Intransitive) To take recreation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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