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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, C, D, S, T and U

ADJUNCTSadjuncts n. Plural of adjunct.
ADJUNCT n. something attached in a subordinate position.
CAUDATEScaudates n. Plural of caudate.
CAUDATE n. a creature with a tail.
CAULDESTCAULD adj. (Scots) cold.
COALDUSTcoaldust n. The dust of coal.
COALDUST n. the dust from coal.
CUSPATEDcuspated adj. Ending in a point.
CUSPATED adj. having a point.
CUSTARDScustards n. Plural of custard.
Custards prop.n. Plural of Custard.
CUSTARD n. a mixture of milk, eggs, etc., sweetened or seasoned, thickened with cornflour and poured over puddings.
CUSTARDYcustardy adj. Containing custard.
custardy adj. Resembling or characteristic of custard in taste, texture, etc.
CUSTARDY adj. pertaining to custard.
DACTYLUSdactylus n. Synonym of dactyl (“type of metrical foot”).
DACTYLUS n. (Greek) the leg joint of certain insects.
DUSTCARTdustcart n. (Britain) A vehicle for collecting refuse.
dust␣cart n. Alternative form of dustcart.
DUSTCART n. a cart used for collecting rubbish.
DUSTCOATdustcoat n. A coat worn as protection from dust.
DUSTCOAT n. an overall; a light overcoat.
EDUCATESeducates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of educate.
EDUCATE v. to teach.
MUSCADETmuscadet n. A white grape grown chiefly in the Loire valley of France, or a dry white wine made from this grape.
Muscadet n. Alternative letter-case form of muscadet.
MUSCADET n. (French) a dry, white French wine.
SUBACTEDsubacted v. Simple past tense and past participle of subact.
SUBACT v. to subdue.
SULCATEDsulcated adj. Sulcate.
SULCATED adj. having long, narrow furrows, also SULCATE.
TRADUCEStraduces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of traduce.
TRADUCE v. to defame.
UNCASTEDuncasted adj. (Medicine) Not set in a cast.
UNCAST v. to undo the process of casting; to take back a cast.
VIADUCTSviaducts n. Plural of viaduct.
VIADUCT n. a structure carrying a road or railway over a valley, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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