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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing A, C, D, H, I and O

CATHODICcathodic adj. (Anatomy) Proceeding from a nerve centre; efferent.
cathodic adj. (Physics) Of or pertaining to a cathode.
CHAORDICchaordic adj. Partially chaotic and partially ordered.
chaordic adj. (Of a system, process or organization) Governed by or intentionally organized around a blend of chaotic…
CHAORDIC adj. having both chaos and order.
CHOKIDARchokidar n. Alternative form of chaukidar.
CHOKIDAR n. (Urdu) a watchman, also CHOWKIDAR.
DIADOCHIdiadochi n. Alternative letter-case form of Diadochi.
Diadochi n. (History) The rival generals of Alexander the Great who fought for control over his empire after his death in 323 BCE.
DIADOCHI n. (Greek) the generals who became monarchs of the various kingdoms into which the empire was split after the death of Alexander the Great.
DIADOCHYdiadochy n. The capability of an atom to replace another in a particular crystal structure.
DIADOCHY n. the replacement of one element of a crystal by another.
DOCHMIACdochmiac adj. (Poetry) Pertaining to, or containing, the dochmius.
dochmiac n. (Poetry) A verse in dochmiac metre.
DOCHMIAC n. a foot of five syllables, also DOCHMIUS.
HADRONIChadronic adj. (Physics) of, related to, or composed of hadrons.
HADRONIC adj. relating to a hadron.
HYPOACIDhypoacid adj. Hypoacidic.
HYPOACID adj. having a lower than normal degree of acidity.
HYRACOIDhyracoid n. An animal of the order Hyracoidea, i.e. a hyrax.
hyracoid adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the hyraxes (order Hyracoidea).
hyracoid adj. Displaying characteristics typical of hyraxes.
KATHODICkathodic adj. Dated form of cathodic.
KATHODIC adj. relating to a kathode, the positive terminal of a battery, also CATHODAL, CATHODIC, CATHODICAL, KATHODAL.
RHODANICRHODANIC adj. pertaining to thiocyanic acid.
SCAPHOIDscaphoid adj. Shaped like a boat, navicular.
scaphoid n. (Anatomy) Carpal navicular bone.
SCAPHOID n. a boat-shaped bone in the wrist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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