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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, C, D, E, O and P

CANOPIEDcanopied adj. Covered overhead with (or as if with) a canopy.
canopied v. Simple past tense and past participle of canopy.
CANOPY v. to cover from above.
CAPOTTEDcapotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of capot.
CAPOT v. to win all the tricks.
CLODPATEclodpate n. A blockhead; a dolt or fool.
COMPADREcompadre n. A friend or companion.
COMPADRE n. (Spanish) a close friend.
COMPAREDcompared v. Simple past tense and past participle of compare.
COMPARE v. to scrutinise for similarities.
COPYREADcopyread v. To read text (Of a newspaper etc.) and edit it to correct mistakes.
COPYREAD v. (US) to subedit.
CROUPADEcroupade n. A leap in which the horse pulls its hind legs up towards the belly.
CROUPADE n. (French) in dressage, a leap in which the horse draws its hind legs up towards its belly.
CUPOLAEDcupolaed adj. Having one or more cupolas.
CUPOLA v. to furnish with a cupola.
DECAPODSdecapods n. Plural of decapod.
Decapods n. Plural of Decapod.
DECAPOD n. any ten-legged crustacean, including shrimps and lobsters.
DIASCOPEdiascope n. A projector used for projecting transparencies.
diascope n. (Medicine) A flat piece of glass or transparent plastic, used to examine lesions in the skin.
DIASCOPE n. an optical projector used for showing transparencies on a screen.
ENDOCARPendocarp n. (Botany) The woody inner layer of the pericarp of some fruits that contains the seed.
ENDOCARP n. the inner layer of a pericarp.
ESCAPADOescapado n. Obsolete form of escapade.
ESCAPADO n. an escaped evildoer; an escapade.
OUTPACEDoutpaced v. Simple past tense and past participle of outpace.
OUTPACE v. to move faster than.
PASSCODEpasscode n. A string of characters used for authentication on a digital device.
PASSCODE n. a sequence of digits used to gain access to a building, computer system, etc.
PEASCODSpeascods n. Plural of peascod.
PEASCOD n. a pea pod, also PEASECOD, PEACOD.
PEASECODpeasecod n. Alternative form of peascod.
PEASECOD n. the pod of the pea, also PEACOD, PEAPOD, PEASCOD.
PEDOCALSpedocals n. Plural of pedocal.
PEDOCAL n. a type of soil typical of an arid or semiarid region.
POCHAYEDPOCHAY v. to transport by post-chaise.
SCOREPADscorepad n. A pad of paper on which the scores for a game are noted.
SCOREPAD n. a pad on which scored points are recorded.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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