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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing A, 2C, P, S and T

ACCOMPTSaccompts n. Plural of accompt.
accompts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of accompt.
ACCOMPT v. to explain in detail, also ACCOUNT.
CAPTCHAScaptchas n. Plural of captcha.
Captchas n. Plural of Captcha.
CAPTCHAs n. Plural of CAPTCHA.
CATCHUPScatchups n. Plural of catchup.
catch-ups n. Plural of catch-up; alternative spelling of catch ups.
catch␣ups n. Plural of catch up.
COMPACTScompacts n. Plural of compact.
compacts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of compact.
COMPACT v. to pack closely together.
COPYCATScopycats n. Plural of copycat.
copy-cats n. Plural of copy-cat.
copy␣cats n. Plural of copy cat.
PASTICCIpasticci n. Plural of pasticcio.
PASTICCIO n. (Italian) a medley, a pastiche.
PICCATASPICCATA n. (Italian) a dish of veal cutlets with a sauce of lemon, white wine and butter.
PLACCATSplaccats n. Plural of placcat.
PLACCAT n. (Shakespeare) a leather doublet with strips of steel, also PLACCATE, PLACKET.
PRACTICSpractics n. Plural of practic.
PRACTIC v. (archaic) to put (a theory, idea, etc.) into practice, also PRACTICK.
SPICCATOspiccato adj. (Music) detached; separated; with every note performed in a distinct and pointed manner.
spiccato n. (Music) A manner of playing a stringed instrument such that the bow is bounced off the strings after each note.
SPICCATO n. (Italian) a method of playing a stringed instrument with staccato bowing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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