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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, 2C, I, R and S

ACROSTICacrostic n. A poem or other text in which certain letters, often the first in each line, spell out a name or message.
acrostic n. A poem in Hebrew in which successive lines or verses start with consecutive letters of the alphabet.
acrostic n. A kind of word puzzle, the solution of which forms an anagram of a quotation, and their initials often…
ACRYLICSacrylics n. Plural of acrylic.
ACRYLIC n. a type of resin.
ASCORBICascorbic adj. Of or pertaining to ascorbic acid or its derivatives.
ASCORBIC adj. antiscorbutic, relieving scurvy, as in ascorbic acid.
BRECCIASbreccias n. Plural of breccia.
BRECCIA n. (Italian) a geological formation consisting of angular fragments of rock.
CAESURICcaesuric adj. Of or relating to a caesura.
CAESURIC adj. relating to a caesura.
CALORICSCALORIC n. a hypothetical fluid formerly thought to be responsible for the phenomena of heat.
CAMBRICScambrics n. Plural of cambric.
CAMBRIC n. a fine linen.
CAPRICEScaprices n. Plural of caprice.
CAPRICE n. a whim, an unpredictable change of behaviour.
CARDIACScardiacs n. Plural of cardiac.
CARDIAC n. a person with a heart disorder.
CARIOCAScariocas n. Plural of carioca.
Cariocas n. Plural of Carioca.
CARIOCA n. (Portuguese) a South American dance.
CERAMICSceramics n. Plural of ceramic.
ceramics n. The art or science of making ceramic objects.
ceramics n. Ceramic objects as a group.
COCHAIRScochairs n. Plural of cochair.
co-chairs n. Plural of co-chair.
co-chairs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of co-chair.
CRACKIEScrackies n. Plural of cracky.
CRACKIE n. a small dog of mixed breed.
CRUCIANScrucians n. Plural of crucian.
CRUCIAN n. a colourful carp, also CRUSIAN.
CURACIEScuracies n. Plural of curacy.
CURACY n. the office of a curate.
ISOCRACYisocracy n. A form of government where all citizens have equal political power.
ISOCRACY n. a form of government.
PRACTICSpractics n. Plural of practic.
PRACTIC v. (archaic) to put (a theory, idea, etc.) into practice, also PRACTICK.
SARCODICsarcodic adj. (Biology) Of or pertaining to sarcode.
SARCODIC adj. of or pertaining to sarcode, protoplasm, esp. of protozoans.
SCARCITYscarcity n. (Uncountable) The condition of something being scarce or deficient.
scarcity n. (Countable) An inadequate amount of something; a shortage.
SCARCITY n. the quality of being scarce.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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