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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing A, 2C, I and 2L

CAILLACHcaillach n. Alternative form of cailleach.
CAILLACH n. (Gaelic) an old woman, also CAILLEACH, CAILLIACH.
CALFLICKcalflick n. Synonym of cowlick (“unruly lock of hair”).
CALFLICK n. a cowlick (a lock of unruly hair).
CALICLEScalicles n. Plural of calicle.
CALICLE n. a cup-shaped anatomical structure.
CALYCULIcalyculi n. Plural of calyculus.
CALYCULUS n. a small, cup-shaped structure.
CANCELLIcancelli n. Plural of cancellus.
CANCELLI n. (Latin) the latticework of spongy bone tissue; the mesh of spaces within this.
CAULICLEcaulicle n. (Botany) A small stalk or stem, especially the rudimentary stalk of a seed embryo.
CAULICLE n. a short caulis or stem.
CLAVICLEclavicle n. (Anatomy) The collarbone; the prominent bone at the top of the chest between the shoulder and the neck…
CLAVICLE n. a shoulder bone.
CLERICALclerical adj. Of or relating to clerks or their work.
clerical adj. Of or relating to the clergy.
clerical n. (Now uncommon) A member of the clergy.
CLINICALclinical adj. (Medicine) Dealing with the practical management of patients, in practice#Noun at the point of care;…
clinical adj. Of or pertaining to a clinic, such as a medical clinic or law clinic.
clinical adj. Cool and emotionless; in a professional way, as contrasted with an impetuous#Adjective or unprofessional#Adjective…
CYCLICALcyclical adj. Recurring at regular intervals.
CYCLICAL adj. relating to a cycle.
CYCLICAL n. stock whose earnings fluctuate with the economy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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