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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, 2C, H, O and T

CACHALOTcachalot n. The sperm whale.
CACHALOT n. (French) a large whale, also CACHOLOT.
CACHEPOTcachepot n. An ornamental container for a flowerpot.
CACHEPOT n. (French) an ornamental container used to conceal a flowerpot.
CACHOLOTcacholot n. Archaic form of cachalot.
CACHOLOT n. (French) a large whale, also CACHALOT.
CARTOUCHcartouch n. Alternative form of cartouche.
CARTOUCH n. (French) in Egyptian inscriptions, a circle with a horizontal bar at the bottom, elongated into an oval within which king's names are written, also CARTOUCHE.
CATECHOLcatechol n. (Organic chemistry) The biologically important diphenol ortho-dihydroxy benzene; isomeric with hydroquinone…
CATECHOL n. a chemical used in photography.
CATHODICcathodic adj. (Anatomy) Proceeding from a nerve centre; efferent.
cathodic adj. (Physics) Of or pertaining to a cathode.
CATHOLICcatholic adj. Universal; all-encompassing.
catholic adj. Alternative letter-case form of Catholic.
catholic adj. (Obsolete) Common or prevalent; especially universally prevalent.
CHOCTAWSChoctaws n. Plural of Choctaw.
CHOCTAW n. (Native American) a type of skating movement.
CONCHATECONCHATE adj. shaped like a shell.
COUCHANTcouchant adj. (Of an animal) Lying with belly down and front legs extended; crouching.
couchant adj. (Heraldry) Represented as crouching with the head raised.
COUCHANT adj. in heraldry, lying on the belly with head lifted.
OCTARCHYoctarchy n. A group of eight states.
octarchy n. A government of eight people.
OCTARCHY n. a government by eight people.
OUTCATCHoutcatch v. (Transitive) To catch more or better than.
OUTCATCH v. to surpass in catching.
OUTCOACHoutcoach v. (Transitive) To provide better coaching than (another person or group).
OUTCOACH v. to surpass in coaching.
THORACICthoracic adj. (Anatomy) Of the thorax.
thoracic n. (Zoology) One of a group of fishes having the ventral fins placed beneath the thorax or beneath the pectoral fins.
THORACIC adj. of or pertaining to the thorax, or chest, also THORACAL.
TROCHAICtrochaic adj. Composed of or relating to trochees, feet of one stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable.
trochaic n. A poetical composition of this kind.
TROCHAIC adj. of or like a trochee, in prosody, a foot of one long syllable, one short.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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