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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, B, 2R, S and T

ABORTERSaborters n. Plural of aborter.
ABORTER n. one who aborts.
AIRBURSTairburst n. The explosion of a bomb (or similar weapon) or large meteorite in the air rather than on the ground.
airburst v. To explode in this manner.
air-burst n. Alternative spelling of airburst.
ARBITERSarbiters n. Plural of arbiter.
ARBITER n. (Latin) a person with power to decide a dispute, a judge.
ARBORETSarborets n. Plural of arboret.
ARBORET n. (obsolete) a shrubbery.
ARBORISTarborist n. A person in the practice of arboriculture; a tree surgeon.
ARBORIST n. a tree specialist.
BARRIESTBARRIE adj. (Scots) terrific, also BARRY.
BRASSARTbrassart n. Alternative form of brassard.
BRASSART n. (historical) a piece of armour for the upper arm, also BRASSARD, BRASSET.
BURRATASburratas n. Plural of burrata.
BURRATA n. (Italian) an Italian cheese made from mozzarella and cream.
RAREBITSrarebits n. Plural of rarebit.
RAREBIT n. a dish of melted and seasoned or simply toasted cheese on toast.
REBATERSREBATER n. one who rebates.
TABORERStaborers n. Plural of taborer.
TABORER n. one who tabors, also TABOURER.
TABRERESTABRERE n. (Spenser) a person who plays the tabour.
TEREBRASterebras n. Plural of terebra.
TEREBRA n. (Latin) a boring instrument.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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