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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, B, L, N, R and U

ALBURNUMalburnum n. Sapwood; the soft, newer wood in the trunk of a tree found between the bark and the hardened heartwood.
ALBURNUM n. the soft wood between inner bark and heartwood.
BINAURALbinaural adj. Of, relating to, affecting, or designed for use with two ears.
BINAURAL adj. hearing with both ears.
BURNABLEburnable adj. Able to be burned; combustible.
burnable n. Anything that can be burned.
BURNABLE n. something that can be burnt.
FUNEBRALfunebral adj. Alternative form of funebrial.
FUNEBRAL adj. of or pertaining to a funeral, also FUNEBRIAL.
LABURNUMlaburnum n. Any tree of genus Laburnum. They have bright yellow flowers and are poisonous.
Laburnum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – laburnums, the golden chains.
LABURNUM n. a genus of ornamental shrubs.
PRUNABLEprunable adj. Capable of being pruned.
PRUNABLE adj. able to be pruned.
RUBELLANRUBELLAN n. a mineral, an altered biotite, mica containing iron and magnesia.
RUINABLEruinable adj. Capable of being ruined.
RUINABLE adj. able to be ruined.
RUNNABLErunnable adj. (Computing) Capable of being run.
runnable adj. (Of a watercourse) That can be navigated by boat.
RUNNABLE adj. fit for hunting.
SUBLUNARsublunar adj. Situated beneath the Moon.
sublunar adj. Of this world; earthly.
SUBLUNAR adj. under the moon, terrestrial, also SUBLUNARY.
TRIBUNALtribunal n. (Law) An assembly including one or more judges to conduct judicial business; a court of law.
tribunal n. (Philippines, historical) A kind of village hall used to transact business, to quarter troops and travellers…
TRIBUNAL n. a court of justice.
TURBINALturbinal adj. Having the shape of a cone resting on its apex.
turbinal adj. (Anatomy) Rolled in a spiral; scroll-like; turbinate; applied to the thin, plicated, bony or cartilaginous…
turbinal n. (Anatomy) A turbinate bone.
TURNABLEturnable adj. Capable of being turned.
TURNABLE adj. able to be turned.
UNILOBARunilobar adj. Consisting of a single lobe.
UNILOBAR adj. having one lobe, also UNILOBED.
URBANELYurbanely adv. In an urbane manner.
URBANE adv. refined and elegant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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