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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, B, I, N, T and U

ABLUTIONablution n. The act of washing something.
ablution n. The liquid used in the cleansing or ablution.
ablution n. (Eastern Orthodoxy) The ritual consumption by the deacon or priest of leftover sacred wine of host after…
ABUTILONabutilon n. Any of the various tropical flowering plants of the genus Abutilon, such as the flowering maple, Indian…
Abutilon prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Malvaceae – broadleaf flowering plants in the mallow family found…
ABUTILON n. (Arabic) a flowering plant of the mallow family.
ABUTTINGabutting adj. Facing each other, front to front.
abutting v. Present participle of abut.
abutting n. Abutment.
BRAUNITEbraunite n. (Mineralogy) A silicate mineral containing divalent and trivalent manganese and forming grey-black tetragonal…
BRAUNITE n. a native oxide of manganese, of dark brownish black color.
BUCATINIbucatini n. A thicker form of spaghetti with a hole running through it.
BUCATINI n. pasta in the form of long thin hollow tubes.
BUTANOICbutanoic adj. (Organic chemistry) Of or pertaining to butanoic acid or its derivatives.
BUTANOIC adj. as in butanoic acid, another name for butyric acid.
INCUBATEincubate v. (Transitive) To brood, raise, or maintain eggs, organisms, or living tissue through the provision of…
incubate v. (Transitive, figurative) To incubate metaphorically; to ponder an idea slowly and deliberately as if…
INCUBATE v. to warm eggs for hatching.
INTUBATEintubate v. (Transitive, medicine) To insert a tube into.
INTUBATE v. to insert a tube into.
JUBILANTjubilant adj. In a state of elation.
JUBILANT adj. exultant.
TABOURINtabourin n. Alternative form of taborine.
TABOURIN n. a small drum longer in body than the tabor, also TABORIN, TABORINE.
TAMBURINtamburin n. Obsolete form of tambourine.
TAMBURIN n. (Spenser) a tambourine.
TITUBANTtitubant adj. Stumbling, staggering; with the movement of one who is tipsy.
TITUBANT adj. staggering.
TRIBUNALtribunal n. (Law) An assembly including one or more judges to conduct judicial business; a court of law.
tribunal n. (Philippines, historical) A kind of village hall used to transact business, to quarter troops and travellers…
TRIBUNAL n. a court of justice.
TURBINALturbinal adj. Having the shape of a cone resting on its apex.
turbinal adj. (Anatomy) Rolled in a spiral; scroll-like; turbinate; applied to the thin, plicated, bony or cartilaginous…
turbinal n. (Anatomy) A turbinate bone.
UNBAITEDunbaited adj. Not loaded with bait.
unbaited v. Simple past tense and past participle of unbait.
UNBAITED adj. not baited.
URBANISTurbanist n. A person who studies cities and their growth.
urbanist n. An urban planner.
Urbanist n. (Catholicism) A Poor Clare who follows or advocates the use of revised codes of conduct in place of…
URBANITEurbanite n. Someone who lives in a city or similar urban area.
urbanite n. One of a demographic class of young, socially-conscious, urban professionals.
urbanite n. Rock-like recycled building material from man-made sources.
URBANITYurbanity n. Behaviour that is polished, refined, courteous.
urbanity n. Urbanness.
URBANITY n. the quality of being urban.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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