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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing A, B, 2I, M and S

ALBINISMalbinism n. Congenital lack of melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers (or more rarely only…
ALBINISM n. the condition of being an albino.
BASIDIUMbasidium n. (Mycology) A small structure, shaped like a club, found in the Basidiomycota division of fungi, that…
BASIDIUM n. (Greek) a fungal fructification from which spores are released.
BIGAMIESbigamies n. Plural of bigamy.
BIGAMY n. the crime of being married to two people at once.
BIGAMISTbigamist n. One who practices bigamy.
BIGAMIST n. a person who commits bigamy.
BIMBASHIbimbashi n. Alternative spelling of binbashi.
BIMBASHI n. (Turkish) a Turkish military officer.
BINARISMbinarism n. A pair of opposites; a specific binary.
binarism n. Belief in, or a mode of thought predicated on, a binary; belief that something (for example, gender) is a binary.
BINARISM n. a mode of thought based on oppositions.
BULIMIASbulimias n. Plural of bulimia.
BULIMIA n. (Greek) an eating disorder in which binge eating is followed by depression and guilt, self-induced vomiting and purging, etc., also BULIMUS, BULIMY.
IAMBISTSiambists n. Plural of iambist.
IAMBIST n. a poet who writes iambic verse.
IMBASINGimbasing v. Present participle of imbase.
IMBASE v. to lower, debase, also EMBASE, EMBACE.
MINIBARSminibars n. Plural of minibar.
MINIBAR n. a small fridge as in a hotel room.
MINICABSminicabs n. Plural of minicab.
MINICAB n. a small taxicab.
MINILABSminilabs n. Plural of minilab.
MINILAB n. a retail outlet offering rapid on-site film development.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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