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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, B, 2I, L and N

ALBINISMalbinism n. Congenital lack of melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers (or more rarely only…
ALBINISM n. the condition of being an albino.
ALIBIINGalibiing v. Present participle of alibi.
ALIBI v. to give an alibi to.
BIENNIALbiennial adj. Happening every two years.
biennial adj. Lasting for two years.
biennial n. A plant that requires two years to complete its life-cycle, germinating and growing in its first year…
BILINEARbilinear adj. (Linear algebra, of a function in two variables) Linear (preserving linear combinations) in each variable.
bilinear adj. (Complex analysis, physics, engineering) Of or pertaining to a Möbius transformation (type of conformal…
bilinear n. (Linear algebra) A bilinear function.
BINOMIALbinomial adj. Consisting of two terms, or parts.
binomial adj. (Statistics) Of or relating to the binomial distribution.
binomial n. (Algebra) A polynomial with two terms.
BRAILINGbrailing v. Present participle of brail.
brailing n. (Nautical) Synonym of brail (“rope for trussing sails”).
brailing n. (Camping) Any of the loops at the base of a tent that allow it to be secured with pegs.
BRAINILYbrainily adv. In a brainy way.
BRAINY adv. intelligent.
BRASILINbrasilin n. Alternative form of brazilin.
BRASILIN n. a dyestuff obtained from brazilwood, also BRASILEIN, BRAZILEIN, BRAZILIN.
BRAZILINbrazilin n. A red pigment obtained from brazilwood.
BRAZILIN n. a dyestuff obtained from brazilwood, also BRASILEIN, BRASILIN, BRAZILEIN.
INQILABSinqilabs n. Plural of inqilab.
INQILAB n. (Urdu) in India, Pakistan etc., a revolution.
INVIABLEinviable adj. Alternative form of nonviable.
INVIABLE adj. not viable, also UNVIABLE.
INVIABLYinviably adv. In an inviable manner.
INVIABLE adv. not viable, also UNVIABLE.
LIBATINGlibating v. Present participle of libate.
LIBATE v. to pour in honour to.
LIBATIONlibation n. The act of pouring a liquid, most often wine, in sacrifice on the ground, on a ritual object, or on…
libation n. The wine or liquid thus poured out.
libation n. (Often humorous) A beverage, especially an alcoholic one.
MINILABSminilabs n. Plural of minilab.
MINILAB n. a retail outlet offering rapid on-site film development.
SAIBLINGsaibling n. A char of Europe (Salvelinus alpinus), also called Arctic char.
SAIBLING n. (German) a European mountain trout, aka torgoch.
SIBILANTsibilant adj. Characterized by a hissing or hushing sound such as the s or sh in sack or shack.
sibilant n. (Phonetics) A consonant having a hissing or hushing sound such as the s or sh in sack or shack.
SIBILANT adj. hissing, also SIBILOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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