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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing A, B, H, 2O and T

BATHROOMbathroom n. A room containing a shower and/or bathtub, and (typically but not necessarily) a toilet.
bathroom n. (Chiefly US, South Africa, Canada, euphemistic) A lavatory: a room containing a toilet and (typically…
bath␣room n. (Uncommon) Alternative form of bathroom in its various senses.
BOATHOOKboathook n. A hook attached to a pole used for pulling or pushing boats, rafts, logs or other objects to or from…
boathook n. (By extension) A pole or rod with such a hook at one end.
boat-hook n. Alternative spelling of boathook.
COHOBATEcohobate v. (Chemistry, alchemy) To treat a material with a boiling liquid and repeatedly return the distillate.
cohobate n. The concentrated distillate so formed.
COHOBATE v. to distill again.
FOOTBATHfootbath n. The act of soaking or washing the feet.
footbath n. A small basin or bath designed for soaking or washing the feet.
footbath n. A liquid mixture, often medicinal, for soaking or washing the feet with.
HARDBOOTHARDBOOT n. a type of computer startup.
HOOFBEAThoofbeat n. The sound of a hoof striking the ground.
HOOFBEAT n. the sound of hooves striking the ground.
JOHNBOATjohnboat n. A flat-bottomed boat with a very shallow draft, whose bow and stern are both squared off.
JOHNBOAT n. a narrow square-ended boat.
SHOWBOATshowboat n. (US) A river steamboat having a resident theatre.
showboat n. (Informal, chiefly US, by extension) A showoff.
showboat v. (Informal, chiefly US) To show off.
TARBOOSHtarboosh n. A red felt or cloth cap with a tassel, worn in the Arab world; a fez.
TARBOOSH n. (Arabic) a fez, a hat worn by Muslim men, also TARBOUCHE, TARBOUSH, TARBUSH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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