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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing A, B, H, I, R and T

BIRDBATHbirdbath n. A shallow basin, sometimes ornamental, filled with water for wild birds to drink from or bathe in.
birdbath n. Random, inconsequential amounts of residual water on a roof membrane.
bird␣bath n. Alternative form of birdbath.
BIRTHDAYbirthday n. The anniversary of the day on which someone is born.
birthday n. The anniversary of the day on which something is created.
birthday n. The date on which someone is born or something is created, more commonly called birthdate or date of birth.
BRATTISHbrattish adj. Characteristic of a brat; childishly rude and annoying.
brattish n. Alternative form of brattice.
brattish v. Alternative form of brattice.
RABBITOHrabbit-oh n. Alternative form of rabbit-o.
RABBITOH n. (Australian slang) an itinerant seller of rabbits for eating, also RABBITO.
TABASHIRtabashir n. Alternative form of tabasheer.
TABASHIR n. (Portuguese) a siliceous substance sometimes found in crude form in hollows of bamboos, used in Eastern medicine, also TABASHEER.
TARABISHtarabish n. A trick-taking card game spread throughout the British Empire by Scottish soldiers; still played in…
TARABISH n. a trick-taking card game popular in Nova Scotia.
TRIBRACHtribrach n. (Prosody) A metrical foot consisting of three short syllables.
tribrach n. A figure or object having three arms or branches.
TRIBRACH n. a poetic foot of three short syllables.
WHIRLBATwhirlbat n. (Archaic) Anything moved with a whirl, as preparatory for a blow, or to augment the force of it.
whirlbat n. (Archaic, poetic) The cestus of ancient boxers.
WHIRLBAT n. an ancient boxing glove loaded with metal, also WHORLBAT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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