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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, B, G, L, N and T

ABLATINGablating v. Present participle of ablate.
ABLATE v. to remove or decrease by ablation.
BANGTAILbangtail n. The tail of a horse or cow, allowed to grow out and then trimmed horizontally so as to form a tassel;…
bangtail n. (US) A racehorse.
bangtail n. (Slang) A prostitute.
BANTLINGbantling n. (Archaic, UK dialectal) An infant or young child.
bantling n. (Archaic) A bastard-child.
bantling n. (Archaic, derogatory) A brat.
BATTLINGbattling n. A growing fat, or the process of causing to grow fat; a fattening.
battling n. That which nourishes or fattens, as food, or feed for animals, or manure for soil.
battling adj. Nourishing; fattening.
BELATINGbelating v. Present participle of belate.
BELATE v. (archaic) to retard or make too late.
BLARTINGblarting v. Present participle of blart.
BLART v. to shout loudly and harshly.
BLASTINGblasting v. Present participle of blast.
blasting n. A planned explosion, as in mining.
blasting n. The act by which something is blasted, or blighted.
BLATTINGblatting v. Present participle of blat.
BLAT v. to bleat, cry like a sheep.
BLEATINGbleating v. Present participle of bleat.
bleating n. A noise that bleats.
bleating n. Inane or plaintive chatter.
BLOATINGbloating v. Present participle of bloat.
bloating n. A bloated condition; distention.
BLOATING n. a disease of cattle and sheep, aka hoove.
BRATLINGbratling n. A little brat.
BRATLING n. a little brat.
LIBATINGlibating v. Present participle of libate.
LIBATE v. to pour in honour to.
LONGBOATlongboat n. (Nautical) Among the boats carried by a ship the largest, thus the most capable of boats carried on a ship.
LONGBOAT n. a Viking ship, also LONGSHIP.
OBLIGANTobligant n. One who binds themselves to another to pay or to perform something.
OBLIGANT n. in Scots law, one who binds himself or herself to another to pay or perform something.
STABLINGstabling v. Present participle of stable.
stabling n. A building, shed, or room for horses and cattle; a stable.
STABLING n. accommodation for animals.
TABLINGStablings n. Plural of tabling.
TABLING n. the presentation of a paper for discussion.
TANGIBLEtangible adj. Touchable; able to be touched or felt; perceptible by the sense of touch.
tangible adj. Perceptible; able to be perceived.
tangible adj. Able to be treated as fact; real or concrete.
TANGIBLYtangibly adv. In a tangible manner.
TANGIBLE adv. able to be touched.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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