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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, B, G, 2I and S

ABIDINGSabidings n. Plural of abiding.
ABIDING n. a continuance.
ABIGAILSabigails n. Plural of abigail.
Abigails prop.n. Plural of Abigail.
ABIGAIL n. (archaic) a lady's maid.
BAITINGSbaitings n. Plural of baiting.
BAITING n. fish or worms used as bait.
BIASINGSbiasings n. Plural of biasing.
BIASING n. the act of making a bias.
BIASSINGbiassing v. Present participle of bias.
biassing n. Alternative form of biasing.
BIAS v. to cause to incline to one side.
BIGAMIESbigamies n. Plural of bigamy.
BIGAMY n. the crime of being married to two people at once.
BIGAMISTbigamist n. One who practices bigamy.
BIGAMIST n. a person who commits bigamy.
BRAISINGbraising v. Present participle of braise.
BRAISE v. to cook slowly with a little liquid in a tightly closed vessel.
GIGABITSgigabits n. Plural of gigabit.
GIGABIT n. a unit of information, a thousand million bits.
IMBASINGimbasing v. Present participle of imbase.
IMBASE v. to lower, debase, also EMBASE, EMBACE.
SAIBLINGsaibling n. A char of Europe (Salvelinus alpinus), also called Arctic char.
SAIBLING n. (German) a European mountain trout, aka torgoch.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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