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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, B, F, L, O and S

BALAFONSbalafons n. Plural of balafon.
BALAFON n. a musical instrument of Africa.
BATFOWLSBATFOWL v. to catch birds at night by confusing them with light.
BEEFALOSbeefalos n. Plural of beefalo.
BEEFALO n. a cross between a cow and a buffalo.
BIFOCALSbifocals n. Spectacles that have corrective lenses of two different powers; used by people who need both distance…
BIFOCALS n. spectacles with bifocal lenses.
BLASTOFFblastoff n. The countdown and launch of a rocket, missile or spacecraft.
blast-off n. Alternative spelling of blastoff.
blast␣off v. (Idiomatic, intransitive) to begin ascent under rocket power.
BOASTFULboastful adj. Tending to boast or brag.
BOASTFUL adj. given to boasting.
BOATFULSboatfuls n. Plural of boatful.
BOATFUL n. as much as a boat can hold.
BOFFOLASboffolas n. Plural of boffola.
BOFFOLA n. a hearty laugh, also BOFFO.
BUFFALOSbuffalos n. Plural of buffalo.
BUFFALO v. to intimidate.
FABULOUSfabulous adj. Of or relating to fable, myth or legend.
fabulous adj. Characteristic of fables; marvelous, extraordinary, incredible.
fabulous adj. Fictional or not believable; made up.
FLYBOATSflyboats n. Plural of flyboat.
FLYBOAT n. a small fast boat.
FOOSBALLfoosball n. (Chiefly US, Canada) table soccer (US), table football (UK).
FOOSBALL n. (US) table football, also FUSBALL, FUSSBALL.
SOFTBALLsoftball n. A game similar to baseball but played with a larger and softer ball which can be thrown overhand or underhand.
softball n. The ball used to play the sport.
softball n. (By analogy) A question designed to be easy to answer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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