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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, B, E, L, M and N

ALBUMENSalbumens n. Plural of albumen.
ALBUMEN n. (Latin) the white of an egg.
AMENABLEamenable adj. Willing to respond to persuasion or suggestions.
amenable adj. Willing to comply; easily led.
amenable adj. Liable to be brought to account, to a charge or claim; responsible; accountable; answerable.
AMENABLYamenably adv. In an amenable manner.
AMENABLE adv. capable of being persuaded.
BAILMENTbailment n. (Obsolete) Bail.
bailment n. (Law) The handing over of control over, or possession of, personal property by one person, the bailor…
BAILMENT n. a delivery of goods in trust.
BAILSMENbailsmen n. Plural of bailsman.
BAILSMAN n. a person who stands bail for another.
BIMENSALbimensal adj. Happening every two months.
BIMENSAL adj. occurring every two months.
BLUESMANbluesman n. A male blues musician.
BLUESMAN n. a man who plays the blues.
BONEMEALbonemeal n. Alternative spelling of bone meal.
bone-meal n. Alternative spelling of bone meal.
bone␣meal n. Ground bones used as a slow-release fertilizer, especially for bulbs.
DAMNABLEdamnable adj. Capable of being damned.
damnable adj. Deserving of damnation; very bad.
DAMNABLE adj. hateful.
EMBALINGembaling v. Present participle of embale.
EMBALE v. to form into a bale.
EMBLAZONemblazon v. (Transitive) To adorn with prominent markings.
emblazon v. (Transitive) To inscribe upon.
emblazon v. (Transitive, heraldry) To draw (a coat of arms).
LAMBENCYlambency n. The property of being lambent, brightness.
LAMBENCY n. the quality of being lambent.
MANDIBLEmandible n. (Anatomy, zootomy).
MANDIBLE n. the bone of the lower jaw.
MENDABLEmendable adj. Able to be mended.
MENDABLE adj. able to be mended.
MINEABLEmineable adj. Alternative spelling of minable.
MINEABLE adj. able to be mined, also MINABLE.
NAMEABLEnameable adj. Capable of being distinguished and named; able to be called by a specific name.
nameable adj. (Obsolete) Worthy of being named or having a name; memorable.
NAMEABLE adj. able to be named, also NAMABLE.
NOBLEMANnobleman n. A peer; an aristocrat; ranks range from baron to king to emperor.
NOBLEMAN n. a noble.
SEMBLANTsemblant n. (Obsolete) One’s outward appearance.
semblant adj. (Obsolete) Like; resembling.
semblant adj. (Obsolete) Seeming, rather than real; apparent.
UNBLAMEDunblamed adj. Not blamed.
UNBLAMED adj. not blamed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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