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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, B, E, I, L and P

BIPLANESbiplanes n. Plural of biplane.
BIPLANE n. a plane with two sets of wings.
COPIABLEcopiable adj. Able to be copied.
COPIABLE adj. capable of being copied, also COPYABLE.
DIPPABLEdippable adj. Suitable for being dipped into something.
DIPPABLE adj. able to be dipped.
EPIBLASTepiblast n. (Biology, embryology) The outer layer of a blastula that, after gastrulation, becomes the ectoderm.
EPIBLAST n. the external layer of an embryo, also ECTODERM, EXODERM.
EXPIABLEexpiable adj. Capable of being expiated or atoned for.
EXPIABLE adj. capable of being expiated.
LAPSIBLElapsible adj. Liable to lapse.
LAPSIBLE adj. liable to lapse, also LAPSABLE.
OPINABLEopinable adj. Capable of being opined or thought.
OPINABLE adj. able to be thought.
PARTIBLEpartible adj. Divisible, able to be divided or partitioned.
partible adj. Pertaining to property that can be divided between heirs on inheritance, or to an inheritance system…
PARTIBLE adj. divisible.
PASSIBLEpassible adj. (Chiefly theology) Able to suffer, or feel pain.
passible adj. Able to feel emotion.
passible adj. Capable of suffering injury or detriment.
PHILABEGphilabeg n. Alternative spelling of philibeg.
PICKABLEpickable adj. Able to be picked.
PICKABLE adj. able to be picked.
PIEBALDSpiebalds n. Plural of piebald.
PIEBALD n. a horse with patchy colours, also PYEBALD.
PINTABLEpintable n. A pinball table.
PINTABLE n. a pinball machine.
PITIABLEpitiable adj. That deserves, evokes or can be given pity; pitiful.
PITIABLE adj. arousing pity.
PLEBEIANplebeian n. (Historical, Ancient Rome) A member of the plebs, the common citizens of ancient Rome.
plebeian n. A commoner, particularly (derogatory) a low, vulgar person.
plebeian adj. (Historical) Of or concerning the plebs, the common citizens of ancient Rome.
PRIZABLEprizable adj. Fit to be prized or treasured; valuable.
PRIZABLE adj. valuable.
RIPPABLErippable adj. Capable of being ripped (in various senses).
rippable adj. (Of rock) Capable of being mechanically broken.
rippable adj. (Surfing) Easy to rip on; allowing a surfer to perform like an expert.
SIPPABLEsippable adj. Capable of, or suitable for, being sipped.
SIPPABLE adj. capable of being sipped.
TIPPABLEtippable adj. Capable of being tipped or tilted.
tippable adj. (Of a job, etc.) Eligible to receive tips or gratuities.
TIPPABLE adj. capable of being tipped.
WIPEABLEwipeable adj. Capable of being wiped.
WIPEABLE adj. capable of being wiped.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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