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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing A, B, E, 2I and R

BASIFIERbasifier n. (Chemistry) That which converts into a salifiable base.
BASIFIER n. that which converts into a salifiable base.
BILINEARbilinear adj. (Linear algebra, of a function in two variables) Linear (preserving linear combinations) in each variable.
bilinear adj. (Complex analysis, physics, engineering) Of or pertaining to a Möbius transformation (type of conformal…
bilinear n. (Linear algebra) A bilinear function.
BINARIESbinaries n. Plural of binary.
BINARY n. a combination of two things.
BISERIALbiserial adj. Arranged in two series.
biserial adj. (Statistics) Having a correlation between one series and another that is divided into two types.
BISERIAL adj. arranged in two rows.
BRAINIERbrainier adj. Comparative form of brainy: more brainy.
BRAINY adj. intelligent.
BRIARIERBRIARY adj. full of briars, also BRIERY.
DIATRIBEdiatribe n. An abusive, bitter, verbal attack or criticism: denunciation.
diatribe n. A prolonged discourse.
diatribe n. A speech or writing which bitterly denounces something.
FIMBRIAEfimbriae n. Plural of fimbria.
fimbriæ n. (Obsolete) plural of fimbria.
FIMBRIA n. (Latin) a fringing filament.
LIBRAIRELIBRAIRE n. (French) a bookseller.
RABIETICrabietic adj. (Dated) rabid; affected with rabies.
RABIETIC adj. suffering from rabies, an infectious viral disease.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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