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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, B, E, H, R and T

BARATHEAbarathea n. A soft fabric, made from various combinations of wool, silk and cotton, with a lightly ribbed surface.
BARATHEA n. a pebbly silk or worsted fabric with a broken rib weave.
BARGHESTbarghest n. (Mythology, Britain) A legendary monstrous black dog, said to possess large teeth and claws, and (sometimes)…
barghest n. (Mythology, Britain) Any ghost, wraith, hobgoblin, elf, or spirit.
BARGHEST n. a doglike goblin whose appearance portends death, also BARGEST, BARGUEST.
BATCHERSbatchers n. Plural of batcher.
BATCHER n. one who puts things together.
BATHORSEbathorse n. A horse which carries an officer’s baggage during a campaign. Also spelt bat-horse and bat horse.
bat-horse n. Alternate spelling of bathorse.
bat␣horse n. Alternate spelling of bathorse.
BATHROBEbathrobe n. A robe usually made of terrycloth intended to be worn when one is still damp from bathing or when there…
BATHROBE n. a robe worn for taking a bath.
BERTHAGEberthage n. A place for mooring vessels in a dock or harbor.
BERTHAGE n. a place for mooring vessels in a dock or harbor.
BETHRALLbethrall v. (Transitive, rare) To enthrall; enslave.
BETHRALL v. (Spenser) to enslave.
BLATHERSblathers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blather.
BLATHER v. to talk foolishly.
BRACHETSbrachets n. Plural of brachet.
BRACHET n. (Scots) a hunting dog, also BRACH, BRATCHET.
BRASHESTbrashest adj. Superlative form of brash: most brash.
BRASH adj. forward, overconfident.
BRATCHETbratchet n. A little brat.
bratchet n. Alternative spelling of brachet (“a female hunting hound that hunts by scent; a brach”).
BRATCHET n. (Scots) a hunting dog, also BRACH, BRACHET.
BREADTHSbreadths n. Plural of breadth.
BREADTH n. width.
BREATHEDbreathed v. Simple past tense and past participle of breathe.
breathed adj. (In combination) Having a specified kind of breath.
breathed adj. (Phonetics, of a consonant or vowel) voiceless, contrasting with voiced.
BREATHERbreather n. Something or someone that breathes.
breather n. (Specifically) A heavy breather.
breather n. A short break; a rest or respite.
BREATHESbreathes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of breathe.
BREATHE v. to inhale and exhale air.
EURYBATHeurybath n. A eurybathic organism.
EURYBATH n. an organism that can live in various water depths.
HALBERTShalberts n. Plural of halbert.
Halberts prop.n. Plural of Halbert.
HALBERT n. an ancient axelike weapon, also HALBERD.
HARTBEEShartbees n. (South Africa) Alternative form of hartebeest.
HARTBEES n. (South African) a large South African antelope, also HARTBEEST, HARTEBEEST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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