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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, B, E, G, R and U

ARGUABLEarguable adj. That can be argued; that can be proven or strongly supported with sound logical deduction, precedent, and evidence.
arguable adj. (Colloquial) Open to doubt, argument or debate.
ARGUABLE adj. capable of being disputed.
AUBERGESauberges n. Plural of auberge.
AUBERGE n. (French) an inn, also ALBERGO.
BARGUESTbarguest n. Alternative spelling of barghest.
BARGUEST n. a doglike goblin whose appearance portends death, also BARGEST, BARGHEST.
BEARHUGSbearhugs n. Plural of bearhug.
bear␣hugs n. Plural of bear hug.
BEARHUG n. a firm embrace.
BEDEGUARbedeguar n. (Archaic) A gall produced on rosebushes, especially on the sweetbrier or eglantine, by a puncture from…
BEDEGUAR n. (French) a soft spongy gall formed on the branches of sweetbrier and other roses.
BLAGUERSBLAGUER n. one who talks pretentious nonsense, also BLAGUEUR.
BLAGUEURblagueur n. A joker (person who makes jokes).
BLAGUEUR n. (French) one who talks pretentious nonsense, also BLAGUER.
BUGBEARSbugbears n. Plural of bugbear.
bug-bears n. Plural of bug-bear.
BUGBEAR n. a cause for anxiety, also BUGABOO.
BURGAGESburgages n. Plural of burgage.
BURGAGE n. a kind of feudal tenure, tenure in socage for a yearly rent.
BURGANETburganet n. Alternative form of burgonet.
BURGANET n. (French) a visored helmet that can be fitted or attached to the gorget or neckpiece, also BURGONET.
BURGRAVEburgrave n. (Historical) The military governor of a town or castle in the Middle Ages, especially in German-speaking…
burgrave n. One who holds a hereditary title, with an associated domain, descended from an ancestor who commanded…
BURGRAVE n. (historical) the commander of a German town or castle.
CANEGRUBcanegrub n. A grub that eats the roots of sugar cane.
CANEGRUB n. any of various species of beetle native to Australia.
GARBURESgarbures n. Plural of garbure.
GARBURE n. (French) a kind of Basque soup.
SUBGRADEsubgrade n. The layer of native soil on which the foundation of a road is laid.
SUBGRADE n. a surface on which a pavement is placed.
UMBRAGEDumbraged v. Simple past tense and past participle of umbrage.
UMBRAGE v. to offend.
UMBRAGESumbrages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of umbrage.
UMBRAGE v. to offend.
UNGARBEDungarbed adj. Not garbed; unclothed.
UNGARBED adj. not garbed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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