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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, B, E, G, M and R

BARGEMANbargeman n. A member of the crew of a barge.
bargeman n. A barge owner, maintainer, or captain of a barge.
bargeman n. (Nautical, slang) A large white maggot that frequently infested ship’s biscuits; most likely a larva…
BARGEMENbargemen n. Plural of bargeman.
BARGEMAN n. a man who manages a barge, or one of the crew of a barge.
BEGLAMORbeglamor v. Alternative form of beglamour.
BEGLAMOR v. to dazzle with glamor.
BERGAMASBergamas n. Plural of Bergama.
BERGAMA n. a type of rug.
BERGAMOTbergamot n. A tree of the orange family (Citrus × limon, syn. Citrus bergamia), having a roundish or pear-shaped…
bergamot n. The fruit from the bergamot tree.
bergamot n. The essence or perfume made from the fruit.
BREAMINGbreaming v. Present participle of bream.
BREAM v. to clean a ship's bottom by burning off seaweed.
BREGMATAbregmata n. Plural of bregma.
BREGMA n. (Greek) the point of junction of the coronal and sagittal sutures of the skull.
BREGMATEBREGMATE adj. relating to the bregma.
GAMBIERSGambiers prop.n. Gambier Islands.
GAMBIER n. (Malay) the inspissated juice of a plant growing in Malacca, used for tanning and dyeing, also GAMBIA, GAMBIR.
GAMBLERSgamblers n. Plural of gambler.
GAMBLER n. one that gambles.
GAMBRELSgambrels n. Plural of gambrel.
Gambrels prop.n. Plural of Gambrel.
GAMBREL n. the joint in the upper part of a horse's hind leg, the hock, also CAMBREL.
MEGABARSmegabars n. Plural of megabar.
MEGABAR n. a unit of pressure.
UMBRAGEDumbraged v. Simple past tense and past participle of umbrage.
UMBRAGE v. to offend.
UMBRAGESumbrages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of umbrage.
UMBRAGE v. to offend.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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