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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, B, E, F, I and R

AFEBRILEafebrile adj. Having no fever, without a fever.
AFEBRILE adj. having no fever.
BACKFIREbackfire v. (Of a gun, cannon, Bunsen burner, etc.) To fire in the opposite direction, for example due to an obstruction…
backfire v. (Of an engine) To experience a premature ignition of fuel or an ignition of exhaust gases, making a popping sound.
backfire v. To fail in a manner that brings down further misfortune.
BALEFIREbalefire n. An outdoor fire used in witches’ rituals.
BALEFIRE n. a bonfire or beacon-fire.
BARFLIESbarflies n. Plural of barfly.
bar␣flies n. Plural of bar fly.
BARFLY n. a drinker who frequents bars.
BASIFIERbasifier n. (Chemistry) That which converts into a salifiable base.
BASIFIER n. that which converts into a salifiable base.
BIFORATEbiforate adj. Having two openings.
biforate adj. (Botany) Having two perforations.
biforate adj. (Architecture) Having two doors or windows.
FABRIQUEFABRIQUE n. a parish group that deals with church property.
FIBRANNEfibranne n. A rayon fabric having some qualities of linen.
FIBRANNE n. a fabric made of spun rayon yarn.
FIBRATESfibrates n. Plural of fibrate.
FIBRATE n. any of a class of drugs used to reduce levels of fat in the body.
FIMBRIAEfimbriae n. Plural of fimbria.
fimbriæ n. (Obsolete) plural of fimbria.
FIMBRIA n. (Latin) a fringing filament.
FIREABLEfireable adj. Alternative form of firable.
FIREABLE adj. able to be fired.
FIREBACKfireback n. Any of certain species of pheasant in the genus Lophura.
fireback n. A piece of iron that fits into the back of a fireplace to distribute the heat and keep the brick from cracking.
FIREBACK n. a cast-iron plate at the back of a fireplace.
FIREBALLfireball n. A ball of fire, especially one associated with an explosion.
fireball n. (Astronomy) A meteor bright enough to cast shadows.
fireball n. (Figurative) A feisty, strong-willed person.
FIREBASEfirebase n. (Military) An encampment designed to provide indirect artillery support to infantry troops operating…
FIREBASE n. a military base from which guns are fired.
FIREBOATfireboat n. A harbor boat designed for pumping large volumes of harbor water onto dockside fires.
FIREBOAT n. a boat equipped with firefighting apparatus.
FIREBRATfirebrat n. A thysanuran insect, Thermobia domestica.
FIREBRAT n. a small insect found in bakehouses.
FLABBIERflabbier adj. Comparative form of flabby: more flabby.
FLABBY adj. hanging loose.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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