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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, B, 2E, H and L

ALEBENCHalebench n. (Historical) A bench at the front of an alehouse or inn where drinkers can sit.
ale-bench n. Alternative form of alebench.
ale␣bench n. Alternative form of alebench.
BECHAMELbechamel n. Alternative spelling of béchamel.
béchamel n. Ellipsis of béchamel sauce.
BECHAMEL n. (French) a rich, white sauce, prepared with butter and cream.
BEERHALLbeerhall n. Alternative form of beer hall.
beer␣hall n. A large German public house that specialises in beer.
BEERHALL n. a large drinking place.
BEHALVESbehalves n. Plural of behalf.
BEHALF n. interest or benefit.
BEHEADALbeheadal n. Beheading.
BEHEADAL n. the cutting off of a head.
BLEACHEDbleached adj. Whitened; made white using bleach.
bleached adj. Faded or washed out by weather and strong sunlight.
bleached adj. Having the hair lightened by bleaching.
BLEACHERbleacher n. One who, or that which, bleaches.
bleacher n. (US, usually in the plural) A stand of tiered planks used as seating for spectators, often outdoors.
bleacher n. (US, television, usually in the plural, by extension) The tiered seating provided for the audience at…
BLEACHESbleaches n. Plural of bleach.
bleaches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bleach.
BLEACH v. to whiten.
BLUEHEADbluehead n. The blunt-headed wrasse or blue-headed wrasse, a fish of the species Thalassoma amblycephalum or Thalassoma…
BLUEHEAD n. a marine fish, a kind of wrasse.
CHEWABLEchewable adj. Capable of being chewed.
chewable adj. Chewy.
chewable adj. (Finance, of a poison pill) Allowing for a particular type of bid that does not trigger the flip-in.
HAREBELLharebell n. A perennial flowering plant, Campanula rotundifolia, native to the Northern Hemisphere, with blue, bell-like flowers.
HAREBELL n. the Scottish bluebell, also HAIRBELL.
HATEABLEhateable adj. Alternative form of hatable.
HATEABLE adj. capable of being, or deserving to be, hated, also HATABLE.
HEALABLEhealable adj. Receptive to treatment or cure.
HEALABLE adj. able to be healed.
HEARABLEhearable adj. That can be heard; audible.
HEARABLE adj. able to be heard.
HEATABLEheatable adj. Capable of being heated.
HEATABLE adj. able to be heated.
HEELBALLheelball n. A mixture of wax and lampblack used to polish shoes, and in brass rubbing.
HEELBALL n. a composition of wax and lampblack, used by shoemakers for polishing, and by antiquaries in copying inscriptions.
HEELBARSHEELBAR n. a shop or counter where shoes, etc. are repaired.
HELPABLEhelpable adj. Capable of being helped.
HELPABLE adj. able to be helped.
HIREABLEhireable adj. Alternative spelling of hirable.
HIREABLE adj. available for hire, also HIRABLE.
SHEDABLEshedable adj. Alternative form of sheddable.
SHEDABLE adj. capable of being cast off, also SHEDDABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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