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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, B, D, O and 2R

ABHORREDabhorred v. Simple past tense and past participle of abhor.
abhorred adj. Strongly disliked: hated, despised.
abhorred adj. (Obsolete) Horrified.
ADSORBERadsorber n. Something which adsorbs, especially a solid material, such as activated carbon, that has a high surface…
ADSORBER n. something that adsorbs.
AIRBOARDAIRBOARD n. an inflatable board that is used in the sport of airboarding.
ARBOUREDarboured adj. Containing or situated close to trees.
'arboured v. Simple past tense and past participle of ’arbour.
ARBOURED adj. equipped with an arbour, a bower of trees.
BOARDERSboarders n. Plural of boarder.
BOARDER n. one that boards.
BROCARDSbrocards n. Plural of brocard.
BROCARD n. (French) an elementary legal principle or maxim.
DRAWBOREdrawbore n. (Joinery) A hole bored through a tenon nearer to the shoulder than the holes through the cheeks are…
drawbore v. To make a drawbore in.
drawbore v. To enlarge the bore of a gun barrel by drawing, instead of thrusting, a revolving tool through it.
GARBOARDgarboard n. (Nautical) The board on a boat which attaches to the keel running fore and aft along the bottom.
GARBOARD n. (Dutch) a plank on a ship's bottom next to the keel.
HARBOREDharbored v. Simple past tense and past participle of harbor.
HARBOR v. to shelter, also HARBOUR.
LABRADORlabrador n. A Labrador retriever.
Labrador prop.n. The mainland portion of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, in Eastern Canada.
Labrador prop.n. (Chiefly historical) The geographical region including Labrador in sense 1, as well as neighbouring…
LARBOARDlarboard n. (Archaic, nautical) The left side of a ship, looking from the stern forward to the bow; port side.
LARBOARD n. the left-hand side of a ship.
PREBOARDpreboard v. (Transitive) To (allow to) step or climb onto or otherwise enter a ship, aircraft, train or other conveyance…
preboard v. (Transitive, textiles) To set the shape of (a garment, especially a stocking) by heating on a form or…
pre-board v. Alternative form of preboard.
REBOARDSreboards v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reboard.
REBOARD v. to board again.
RUBBOARDrubboard n. (Music) A scraped percussion instrument used in zydeco music, resembling a washboard but without a frame…
rub-board n. Alternative form of rubboard.
rub␣board n. Alternative form of rubboard.
WARDROBEwardrobe n. (Obsolete) A room for keeping clothes and armor safe, particularly a dressing room or walk-in closet beside a bedroom.
wardrobe n. (Figuratively) A governmental office or department in a monarchy which purchases, keeps, and cares for royal clothes.
wardrobe n. (Figuratively) The building housing such a department.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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