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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing A, B, C, O, T and U

ABDUCTORabductor n. One who abducts; a kidnapper.
abductor n. (Anatomy) A muscle which serves to draw a part out, or from the median line of the body.
ABDUCTOR n. a person who abducts.
BACKOUTSbackouts n. Plural of backout.
BACKOUT n. a reversal of launching procedures.
BLACKOUTblackout n. A temporary loss of consciousness.
blackout n. A temporary loss of memory.
blackout n. An instance of censorship, especially a temporary one.
BLUECOATbluecoat n. (Britain) A traditional dress code at certain prestigious British schools.
bluecoat n. (US history) A soldier or officer in the Union army during the American Civil War.
bluecoat n. (Dated) A policeman.
BUTANOICbutanoic adj. (Organic chemistry) Of or pertaining to butanoic acid or its derivatives.
BUTANOIC adj. as in butanoic acid, another name for butyric acid.
COTTABUScottabus n. An ancient game played by throwing wine at metal disks or pans, trying to knock them down or make them…
COTTABUS n. (Greek) an ancient Greek game of throwing wine into a vessel, also KOTTABOS.
OUTBACKSoutbacks n. Plural of outback.
OUTBACK n. isolated rural country.
SUBCOSTAsubcosta n. (Entomology) The first major vein behind the costa on an insect wing.
SUBCOSTA n. the vein on an insect's wing.
TURBOCARturbocar n. A motor car powered by a gas turbine.
TURBOCAR n. a car powered by a gas turbine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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