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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, B, C, O, S and U

BACKOUTSbackouts n. Plural of backout.
BACKOUT n. a reversal of launching procedures.
BIVOUACSbivouacs n. Plural of bivouac.
bivouacs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bivouac.
BIVOUAC v. (French) to spend the night in a makeshift camp without tents etc.
BUCARDOSbucardos n. Plural of bucardo.
BUCARDO n. (Spanish) a recently extinct species of Spanish mountain goat.
CARIBOUScaribous n. Plural of caribou.
CARIBOU n. (Canadian) a large deer found in Canada, also CARIBOO.
CHABOUKSchabouks n. Plural of chabouk.
CHABOUK n. (Urdu) a type of horsewhip, also CHABUK.
CHUBASCOchubasco n. (Nautical) A violent squall with thunder and lightning, encountered during the rainy season along the…
CHUBASCO n. a violent thunderstorm.
CORBEAUSCORBEAU n. (French) a blackish green colour.
COTTABUScottabus n. An ancient game played by throwing wine at metal disks or pans, trying to knock them down or make them…
COTTABUS n. (Greek) an ancient Greek game of throwing wine into a vessel, also KOTTABOS.
OUTBACKSoutbacks n. Plural of outback.
OUTBACK n. isolated rural country.
SAUCEBOXsaucebox n. (Colloquial) A saucy, impudent or impertinent person.
saucebox n. (Colloquial) The mouth.
SAUCEBOX n. a saucy, impudent person; esp. a pert child, also SAUCEPOT.
SCABIOUSscabious adj. Having scabs.
scabious adj. Of or pertaining to scabies.
scabious n. Any of various herbaceous plants of the genus Scabiosa.
SCABROUSscabrous adj. Covered with scales or scabs; hence, very coarse or rough.
scabrous adj. (Figurative) Disgusting, repellent.
scabrous adj. (Figurative) Of music, writing, etc.: lacking refinement; unmelodious, unmusical.
SUBCOSTAsubcosta n. (Entomology) The first major vein behind the costa on an insect wing.
SUBCOSTA n. the vein on an insect's wing.
SUBOCEANSUBOCEAN adj. beneath the ocean.
SUBVOCALsubvocal adj. Of or pertaining words or statements formed in thought and expressed inwardly but not, or not yet, uttered aloud.
subvocal adj. (Phonetics, dated) Of or pertaining to imperfectly articulated speech that is inaudible or barely audible; subtonic.
SUBVOCAL adj. of words formed in speech order in the mind with or without (inaudible) movements of the speech organs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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